[Chapter 24]

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I start to hear a lot of panicking from the cops before I look up to see them dragging Zaiden over to me and he's covered in blood. 'Zade... what'd you do..!?' 'I uh.. I was angry. Got it out of my system though.' 'What'd you do!?' 'I may or may not have killed Eric.' 'You what!?' Xavier shoves Zaiden into the cell before yelling at him. 'You killed someone! I told you we'd look into it! You can't just kill someone over a 9.. 10 year grudge!' 'He told me to kill myself multiple times! But I never had any fucking proof, Now he's after Ash! He fucking deserves that! Look into him maybe you'll find Emily!' 'We'll look into it!' Xavier walks off before Zaiden sighs and looks over at me which makes me flinch. 'You.. killed Eric...?' 'I-.. Ash.. I was pissed.. He really fucking hurt me..' I watch Zaiden take a step back before he stares at the ground. 'Zaiden please say you didn't actually kill him..' 'I just didn't want you to end up in a similar situation that I was in..' 'So you killed him?? And what situation..??' 'He nearly made me commit suicide...multiple times.. multiple fucking times..' 'Zade..I-' I suddenly have a flash that makes me remember my dad which nearly makes me go into panic before I calm myself. 'Zaidens not like him.. Zaiden's not like him..' I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder making me jump back and I move away a bit before I notice Morty staring at me looking worried. 'I-I-.. I'm fine..' I hear Zaiden mumble something before I turn to look at him. 'Yeah.. I should've been more careful with my psycho side...' I pull my legs up to my chest pulling my ears back and shutting my eyes trying to calm down. It starts to slightly work before I feel someone touching me again and a cop drags me out of the cell shoving me into a room and cuffing my hand to a table again. 'What the fuck..!?' 'Xavier is coming over to ask you more questions. Stay put.' The person walks off laughing before I try to get the cuffs off to get myself to stop panicking befire I notice the blood on my hand and I stare down at my leg that's bleeding again. I suddenly jump at the sound of the door shutting before I try and pull my hand out of the cuff again but Xavier stands still looking at me. 'Don't worry.. You don't have to be scared of me, is it because I yelled at Zaiden? Cause I only yell at him since he's put me through some shit.. well me and Kaiden..' 'I-.. I just want to go home..! I don't want to be here I didn't do anything..! Now Zaiden killed somebody because of me..!' 'Woah hold on there. Zaiden didn't kill anybody because of you.' 'He did it to protect me..!' 'Look Zaiden amd Eric have a lot of.. Well Had a lot of bad history. When Zaiden was younger he out him through a lot of shit.. Looking at your reaction right now I'm finding it really hard to believe you'd kill anybody.. especially that well..' I stare down at the cuffs and my hand before staring back down at my leg which Makes Xavier look too. 'Did, Did you do that??' 'I-I- don't mean to do It... it just sorta happens..' 'Geez.. You and Zaiden must be getting along well.' Xavier walks closer to me but I start panicking again before he stops backing away. 'I just want a look at your leg. Can I?' 'No.. I don't want anybody around me right now..!' 'If you don't let me check.. You're going to lose a lot of blood if that is as bad as it looks. Which would be really bad in your situation..' 'I don't care.. I don't want anybody around me unless it's Zaiden! But I'm too afraid I'll just see my dad in him again..!' 'Ash.. I might not be the Alpha of the pack anymore but I was the alpha when you were starting out.. Trust me I know what you've been through..You can trust me..' 'You're Clide's dad..?' 'Yeah.' I stare at him for a bit before I start to calm down a bit and he walks over to me looking at my leg before sighing. 'Yep, You really did a number on your leg.. I'm going to have to send you to the hospital under supervision.' 'Fuck... No.. I.  I don't want to go without Zaiden..' 'Geez kid you're really complicated..I can send Clide with you.  But Zaiden is a slippery bastard, I cabt send him with you since he might slip away. I dunno who else might be on his hit list.' Xavier pulls out his phone to call who I'm guessing is Clide before He walks off and I try to get out of the cuffs again to no avail.. Zaiden wouldn't kill anybody unless it was necessary right..?? He absolutely had to kill Eric.. Right? He wouldn't go killing anybody else.. He's.. He's just a giant teddy bear.. With blood on his hands.. and his face.. Oh gods... I hear the door open again before Xavier walks in with Clide. ''Ash are you okay??' 'What- how did you get here so quick..??' 'I was already on my way, Zaiden told me he was about to do something stupid. Which, He proved. And Freya wasn't far behind.. but she got away. Now lets just get you to the hospital you're fucking bleeding out..' Xavier comes over taking the handcuffs off before Clide puts my arms over his shoulders. 'Can you walk?' 'Yeah.. slightly..' 'Okay..' Clide helps me over to his car helping me get in before he gets in on the other side. 'What made you panic this much..?' I stare down at the ground hugging nyself before Clide sighs. 'It was Zaiden wasn't it..?' I nod before Clide goes quiet for a moment and turns back to me. 'He can't help it y'know.. Eric just.. Nearly killed Zaiden multiple times whe  he was younger-' 'I know.. I know!.. I just cant fucking get my dad out my head..! And seeing Zaiden covered in the blood..'  'Okay woah calm down... take a few breaths.. The last thing we need right now is you pulling those wounds open any further.. Zaiden.. Let's talk about Zaiden later..' I pull my knees up to my chest again to try and calm myself before we get to the hospital and Clide helps me get out of the car and inside. When they finally get done with treating my wounds and giving me pain meds Clide comes over leaning on the side of the bed sighing. 'Ash, Remember when Zaiden had a panic attack the first time you saw it?' 'Mhm..' 'Zaiden has. A lot of fucking trauma. That's all. But He'd never kill anybody unkess he needed to and in your case yeah he killed Eric to protect you, but Also to protect himself. Eric has been trying to kill him or- Trying to get Zaiden to kill himself since he was 12.. and seeing you like that I guess just.. tipped him over the edge.' 'I just..can't handle the blood.. The fucking look on his face...' 'What look..?' 'He just.. Looked like he had no remorse..' 'Zaiden just.. Hides his emotions really well.. and He will regret it later on, but he'll move on eventually.' 'What if he turns into my dad... What if I made the wrong choice..?? I don't want to end up like my mom..' 'Hey! Ash look at me.. Zaiden would never hurt you, Especially anybody he's close with.. No matter how Psycho he goes he has never touched anybody he cares about..' 'What if he stops caring about me then..?' 'Ash-' I hear Clide sigh before looking back up at me. 'He'd never stop caring about you. You're the one who heloed him fix his sleeoing habits.. His eating disorders, Fuck i even think you made him more confident when he goes modeling. You have no idea how much hapoier Zaiden got since you stood up to him the first fucking day of class. All because you were pissed off that he hadn't earned your respect yet. Which is Ironic cause you earned his.' 'I just.. I guess you have a point..' 'Hell yes I have a point. Who do you think I am??' 'Clide I will smack you..' 'Just saying, I am Zaiden's bestfriend and.. Ex..' 'Wait.. You and Zaiden Dated..?' 'Yeah.. But it didn't really work out. It's not really Important though..Past stays in the past.' 'Do.. Do you still have feelings for Zaiden..?' 'Woah hold on, I don't think it's a great topic right now.' 'Please don't cut it off Clide..' 'It's really nothing serious.. Zaiden would never cheat.. amd yeah we sorta still have feelings for one another but it's the reason why we're such close friends and I have Noah anyway. Neither of us could be happier. Noah is my mate after all and you're Zaiden's mate. I lift my ears slightly before I look over at Clide. 'Will you be okay if I left you with a different cop? He's a buddy of mine. You can trust him.' I nod before Clide gets up and leaves and a different guy walks in nodding at me before he sits down. I actually want Zaiden here now... After maybe like.. 3 hours Price walks into the room. 'Alright, So Your story checks out. I got you off the Case and they found Emily, She's alright, just a bit bruised.. As for Zaiden.. I'm going to be having one hell of a talk with a judge to get him outta this one..' 'Please get him out..!' 'I'll try my best..' 'A-and before you go can I see Emily??' Price nods before walking off and not long after Emilly gets rolled in on a wheelchair and she looks like she's been crying. 'Em..' I jump up going over to hug her and she wraps her arms around me. 'She's gone.. Ash Ray is gone...!' 'I know... I'm so sorry Em..' She starts clinging to me while crying and I do my best to comfort her. 'I'm sorry Em.. I'm really sorry..' After a while, she eventually sat with me on my bed and she eventually fell asleep crying in my arms. I finally hear Emily again before she looks up at me. 'Ash I'm sorry.. My life's been hell...and now with Ray... I just can't..' 'Em..what are you talking about..?' 'He made me choose...' 'What..What are you talking about..??' 'He made me choose between a lethal shot and torture.. I couldn't.. I-' 'Please tell me you didn't take the injection..!' 'I didn't.. I chose the torture..' 'I-' 'He was going to give the other one to Ray... I couldn't let her suffer... I didn't want to take the easy way out...' 'Em it's okay.. You did the right thing..You didn't want her to suffer...' I notice Emily starts crying again. 'I couldn't.. I can't live with it..' 'What are you talking about Emily??' I look down to notice her hands are shaking like crazy. 'Emily... Please tell you didn't take anything harmful!' She just stares down at her hands and I pull my ears down before the cop runs off to go get a doctor and I hug Emily. 'Why would you do that..!?' 'I killed her.. It's my fault... She could've survived..' 'Em! Please don't fucking tell me you took anything harmful!!' I look down at her before a doctor rushes in checking on her and immediately grabbing her and going off with her. 'Fuck...Why..!?..' I stare at the wheelchair that's still sitting in front of me for a good while with no word from anybody about Emily. I eventually Ask the cop to go ask about it but he comes back shaking his head. 'Please fucking be okay..'

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