[Chapter 1]

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I walk through the halls of Gate Ridge. My College for the next 2-3 years. It's probably the most popular College in all of WolfShire. It offers subjects and studies for any job you can think of, and that being said it's also the biggest school you can think of. Giant Sports fields, Swimming pools, Gyms and over 300 classrooms. Due to all of this, Since we have different subjects instead of students, The teachers change classrooms, so they can have certain teachers at certain times, which takes less space. Of course, The person who invented this place is pretty damn smart, But he came from a privileged Gene-Pool and background. Having all the resources to study, and the right brains to get somewhere in life. That's besides the point though. Just hearing about it, Will probably already have you questioning the prices for this school and boy.. You do not want to know. So how did I get here? I have my ways... Let's just say I'm almost as privileged as the guy who built this place, But with less money. See I have my own music studio and I create my own music almost weekly and people love it. But I keep myself anonymous. I'm not a huge crowd person as you'd imagine. I run my hand through my long-ish black hair as I reach my locker, and I reach in to grab some books. Let's start day one. See if anybody here is childish or grown up. As I close my locker I turn and start walking to my class. Please don't let anybody ask me anything. Not because I don't know, but because money isn't the only thing that got me into this fancy-ass place. I enter the class but get stopped. 'You're late! And on your first day??' 'Miss if I may, You send us no map of this large ass school, only numbers and letters for the classrooms with our schedule, and expect us on our first day to know exactly where everything is?' 'You should've gotten here sooner if you didn't know!' 'With all do respect, kids and adults around our age require at least 8 hours of sleep. If we don't get that our brains don't function properly, not to mention those with transport issues, since this school is so big after all, but I mean what do I know anyway right??' 'Whatever. Just take a seat!' I go sit down rolling my eyes and avoiding others' glares as I find a seat near the back of the class. As I take my seat another student walks in and everyone stands up while I stay sitting. 'Yo kid, Stand up!' I hear someone whisper and I lower my wolf ears slightly back annoyed before I grab a book and start to sketch. I notice some whispering before I notice a pair of feet in front of my desk. 'Can I help you?' I look up to see a tall wolf, with brown hair, and Hazel, eyes. 'When I walk into a classroom. You stand for respect. Why aren't you standing?' 'I apologize, But I do not owe respect to someone I do not know, or whom I don't even know why I should owe respect to you. Not to mention, knowing most of you higher ups I probably won't receive respect back.' I growl before I go back to drawing as The larger wolf stops another from behind him from probably trying to snap my neck. I look up again. 'What is your name?' 'Ash, Stone.' 'My name is Zaiden. Zaiden Slater.' He bows his head and returns to the front of the class while I stand up. He looks back at me and I smirk at him as he turns back to the front and walks out. Everyone sits down including me and class finally starts. But now everybody is staring at me with intense glares before a kid beside me smacks my shoulder to get my attention. 'You seriously just did that!?' He whispers. 'Did what? I have self-respect.' 'Dude you're dead, He's THE Zaiden Slater!' 'And I know him from where?' 'What!? You're telling me you don't know who that guy is??' 'Yes, now shut up.' 'Dude, He's THE top student this year! And every year he's been here!' 'He doesn't intimidate me.' 'He should! He can kick you out of here in no time!' I roll my eyes and ignore him as the rest of class continues. Later that day we break for lunch and I find myself wandering the halls for the music rooms when I bump into Zaiden again. 'I apologize.' I nod my head and he stares at me. 'You should watch where your going.' 'I was looking for a class. And there is plenty if room within this hall you could've gone around. Leading me to wonder why you didn't just pass me.' 'You're a smart kid huh? First-year right?' 'Good guess.' 'I've just never seen you around here.' 'Well with all the millions of people, and a brain with such little capacity as yours-' 'Excuse me??' 'See? Was I talking too fast?' I watch as a smirk slowly creeps onto his face. 'I like you kid. You should stick around.' Not the reaction I was hoping for but alright... He starts to walk away and I roll my eyes looking for the classroom but the bell rings and I sigh annoyed as I head back to class. On my way there I over hear a large group of girls whispering. 'His music is so good! It has to be Alpha Zaiden's. There can't be any other person that can produce this kind of music.' I walk over and check the song as a smirk grows on my face. 'Oh yeah that has to be Zaiden, I heard him singing that exact song.' I hear the girls fall silent. 'Really??' I nod and walk away as they all start to freak out. This, is why you shouldn't bump into me on purpose. When I reach class and sit down, a bunch of kids are staring at me again and I just ignore them. Once the lesson starts I immediately notice some kids whispering about something so I try to listen in. "He is so dead.. He stood up to the Alpha.." "Did he even do research??" "Dude hell no.. He's going to get booted-" Just then the intercoms come on. 'Ash Stone, To the Office please, Ash Stone.' I sigh rolling my eyes and get up making my way to where I could best recall the office would be. When I reach it I open the door to find almost 14 people staring at me directly and I walk in holding my head down and closing the door. 'Ash, Welcome. These are all the teachers that will be giving you work this year. I accessed your grades a bit more and I have spoken to the teachers. If any of them give you any trouble, please notify me. Are there any requests you need to help you focus better? perhaps? Keep in mind if your grades drop more than 20% I will take away those privileges.' I nod then look over at the teachers holding my bag. They're all smiling at me greeting me and I stare blankly and nervously before I feel a hand on my arm and I flinch. 'Hey, If you want to tell me instead so I can tell them,' I look up to see Zaiden and I pull my ears down. 'N-No no.. I'm fine.' I stammer while I clear my throat. 'I work best when I can listen to music and if nobody really pays attention to me. And I have to be allowed to eat in class.. It's a nerve thing..' The entire time I stare at the floor while the principal nods. 'Very well, Zaiden would also like to go over a few things with you if that's alright, I hear you two have already had an encounter and have made a bond.' I look at him confused before I hear Zaiden chuckle. 'Not exactly sir, I've just taken a liking to his attitude and persistence.' The principal nods again and sends the rest of the teacher's off before he nods and walks off leaving me and Zaiden alone. 'A bond??' I glare at Zaiden who seems less than unfazed. 'Like I said, not a bond, I just like your.. personality.' 'Then what the hell do you want exactly?' 'A few agreements. You don't have to stand up next time but at least pay attention. The only time I actually go to classes is to assess that everyone is there and doesn't look like a homeless person or a Becky.' 'A.. Becky..?' 'My word use for slut, She was one of my exes.' I try to hold back a laugh but start to stutter. 'If you don't like Becky's why'd you date her in the first place??' 'I'm known as a player around here..' 'You?? Seriously??' I watch as he stares at me looking utterly confused before I straighten up. 'Wait you're serious?? Oh let me guess, You're one of those Jocks, who not only is a suck up but also just gets girls cause they love how hot you look-' 'For your information, So far I have the highest marks and always will have, the highest marks in school. Yes I do also play lacrosse and girls go nuts over abs, But I don't particularly date them for me. I date them for the drama afterwards.' 'You're just.. Going to admit that??' Zaiden shrugs and smirks a bit. 'You're telling me, You're breaking girls hearts for your own amusement??' 'Exactly-' 'Wow, You're a fucking jerk.' Zaiden holds up an arm which has a bracelet with the Gay flag on it. 'I don't care that you're Gay, You're an asshole. I won't ever fucking respect you now. That is an absolute horrible thing to do!' 'Ash, wait-' 'Nope! I'm am putting my valuable time listening to a teacher instead. Not your disrespectful, disloyal player-ass.' I walk out closing the door behind me and walk back to class. When I get there I go sit back down and the entire class is silent and not staring. It actually worked. I start to relax a bit and continue on with the assigned work that was easy enough so far. Things they could've taught us in 4th year middle-school. When the bell rings to end the school, I head over to where I was hoping my dormitory would be while I stare at the Key. When I open The door I find, a lean, tall guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, in the kitchen. 'Hi! Ash right?' I nod and walk in closing the door wand coming over. 'I'm Clide, You're the big shot who Pissed Zaiden off aren't you??' 'That Jerk.. Is he just going to be everywhere??' 'If you piss him off yes.' 'The asshole deserved what I said. You can't change my mind.' I watch as Clide laughs. 'Want something to eat? Drink? I'm making food anyway.' 'Sure,' 'Your room's the one on the right, I took the bigger one, Judging by your stature you won't need it.' 'I- Hey! Watch it!' 'Your attitude may need a bit more room though.' Clide laughs and I Glare at him before sighing and walking off. I don't mind the smaller rooms, I just hate being called short or small. I actually don't like big rooms, they just make me anxious. I place my stuff down before my phone goes off. "Incoming call from: Muffin Man" I pick up to hear my sister's voice immediately. 'Ash! How is school?? How's the Dorms?? Are the teachers nice? Are the students staring at you-??' 'Andrea, Chill.. School is awful, It is school. The dorms are pretty awesome. beautiful too. The teachers are actually really great and NOW the students aren't Eyeing me.' I hear a voice I don't recognize on my sister's side. 'Ask him if he's met Alpha Zaiden yet-' 'Oh my gods, Yes I have, now Who the hell in the background Andrea?? Is it another one of the girls who's simping over every hot guy they see??' 'Ew! No! Alpha Zaiden is her brother. And Her name Is Liz, She's my friend you asshole.' I laugh. 'She started it.' 'She was just wondering, But I take that as a 'It didn't go well.' 'No it did not.' 'Was it your fault again-??' 'What!? How is it my fault??' I sit on the bed and stare out the window. 'Ash, You don't take disrespect I get it. But ALPHAS ARE ALPHAS.' I roll my eyes. 'Whatever, He was a douche anyway. I gotta go.' 'Okayy Byeee Try not to fight anyone, You WILL lose.' 'Try me.' 'Not me, I'm your sister of course you'll win. I mean anyone there.' I sigh and hang up before heading back to the kitchen where I immediately turn around after seeing Zaiden but he stops me. 'Hey Ash. Come sit down.' Oh fuck..

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