[Chapter 8]

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I turn to stare directly at Eric who's leaning against the wall and Zaiden behind him on the floor clawing at himself again. 'Zade-..' 'Aw don't worry about him. He'll be dead soon. You on the other hand I didn't get done with you.' I start to back away before Eric grabs me pinning me to the wall. 'Get off.. Please get off!' I start to shove at Eric and I finally get him off and run over to Zaiden who's digging his claws into his arms and I pull at his arms but he doesn't budge so I hug him begging him to stop. He doesn't budge and I start to panic looking for a phone to call Clide but I get pulled away from him by Eric who pins me on the floor grabbing my wrists and I feel a sharp pain when he twists it. 'I told you not to worry about him!' 'Let me go! I don't want him to get hurt anymore!' I suddenly hear a snap and I feel my fingers start to go numb before I jolt upwards and I feel someone hugging me. 'Wha.. What?? Zaiden!?' 'I'm right here calm down!..' Zaiden leans back holding my face in his hands and staring at me before I grab his hands and hug him. 'Are you okay..? It was just a nightmare..' 'I-I-.. Eric.. Eric was.. He..' 'It's okay.. Ash he's in prison. He can't get to you okay??' 'I'm not scared of him.. He.. He was trying to kill you..!' 'Uhm.. No.. no he won't be able to okay? Don't worry..' 'You don't sound like you mean it..' 'It's a long story.. Just don't worry about it okay..? It won't happen I promise.' I hug him tighter and he wraps his arms around me kissing my head. 'We're so lucky it's a Saturday..' I mumble wiping away the tears on my face. 'Oh.. I uh, Got you something.' 'Huh?' I look up at him. 'Well not me specifically I sent somebody to pick it up but I did pay for it, Not the point though.' I watch as Zaiden walks off and he comes back holding 2 boxes. 'Open the bigger one first.' I grab the box that's really heavy and Open it and I pull out a small safe. 'Really??' 'What?? It'll make sense when you open the second box, Also you can keep your wallet in there and stuff so it has more than 1 use.' I grab the other box and pull out the pride flags that Alice had burned. 'You got me flags again??' 'Yeah, Just keep them in the safe this time.' 'What if they just take the Safe??' 'I'll bolt it to the floor.' I hear Zaiden chuckle and I laugh hugging him. We spend the rest of the day on the couch while Zaiden plays games and I annoy him trying to make him lose now and then. Eventually we notice how late it got and we get up and walk over to Zaiden's room to cuddle but I grab a pillow instead staring at Zaiden. 'Ash, Do not.' I laugh and hit him with the pillow before we both start a full on pillow fight. 'You little pest!' I laugh hitting him with the pillow again before I'm unable to hit him back again from laughing too much. 'Can we just cuddle now??' I nod before Zaiden pulls me onto the bed and onto his lap and I hug him before he kisses my head. I grab another pillow before staring at Zaiden and he takes it messing up my hair. 'Don't you fucking dare you're worse than Lizzy.' 'I'll take that as a compliment.' 'She was such a pest! It isn't even close to a compliment.' 'You know what I just realized??' I stare down before looking back up at him. 'What?' 'You got me to fall in love with you in a week.' 'Sooo I won the bet.' 'Only because I let you.' 'Excuse me?? You didn't let me do anything.' I hear Zaiden laughing before he hits me with the pillow. 'Ah- I could've tricked you longer.' 'Tricked me??' 'Yeah, I didn't want you to know I liked you cause I didn't want to look like one of those Beckys or Karens.' 'You're nowhere near one of those girls.' 'I feel like I seem to be like it..' 'Those girls were touchy, Trust me. It gives me goosebumps thinking about it..' I grab his face in my hands and kiss his nose before I get up and walk to the kitchen. 'You want a Milkshake!?' Silence fills the room and I roll my eyes before walking back with 2 milkshakes, handing him one. 'From now on, You follow my Diet.' 'You probably don't even eat much anyway.' 'Actually.. I have a fast metabolism. I can eat non-stop I just don't usually.' 'So you don't eat much.' 'Yeah basically to sum it up.' Zaiden rolls his eyes pulling me back into his lap and I hug him. I go to put the glass down and Zaiden lays down to go to sleep and I go to get up but Zaiden stops me and I grab his glass putting it down next to mine then he gives me a glare. 'What??' 'I want cuddles.' I roll my eyes laying down and he wraps an arm around me. Before I know it I'm out and I wake up the next morning to the sound of yelling so I cover my face with a pillow. I can't continue sleeping though so I get up and walk over to the living room where I see Zaiden and Clide Playing Games again so I head over to the kitchen to make food. 'Hey ash-' 'Hey.' 'I'm surprised you got Zaiden to sleep for once.' 'I didn't get him to I just pinned him down with my amazing body strength.' Zaiden looks back towards me and back at the screen before doing a double take and dropping his controller and jumping over the couch running into his room and I raise an eyebrow. He comes running over to me pulling one of his hoodies over my head. 'Seriously??' 'You're half naked, I'm not letting you walk around the dorms without a shirt.' 'Who's gonna see me??' 'Clide! And probably a ghost! Or freshman breaking in! Anything can happen!' Suddenly a pillow hits Zaiden and I look over at Clide. 'Zade chill-' 'Says the one who makes his boyfriend wear hoodies-' 'Shut up!' I laugh at the two before I realize how comfy the hoody is and I hug myself in it. Then I go to grab an apron and Roll up the sleeves since it's hanging almost to my knees and I grab some things to make food. Zaiden walks back over to Clide and those two continue playing games. 'Is Ash even a good cook??' 'I don't know, I didn't let him cook before.' 'You could ask me, I'm right here.' I roll my eyes and Clide sighs. 'But if we ask you, you're of course going to say Yes you are even though you're probably an awful cook.' I roll my eyes again before I walk over to them handing them both food, and Handing Zaiden a lighter plate. 'Smaller portions, and food lighter on your stomach.' 'Damn, Ash knows-' 'I know, Because I do my research.' I walk over back to the kitchen and grab my own food before walking back and sitting down on a different couch while eating and watching them play, then my phone goes off and I grab it and go to answer. 'Ash!! Guess who's coming back from Shein!' 'Lola-? Lola why are you calling me??' 'Because I'm coming home! I found out what college you're at from your sister, I'll be there in a few minutes!' 'No you're not! You're going to throw your ass in U-turn and go back to Shein!' 'Ash you're really funny. Cya in a few minutes hun, Byeee!' She hangs up the phone before I can say anything else. I go to throw my phone against the wall before Zaiden grabs my arms hugging me. 'Hey, Are you okay?' 'No! I am pissed!' 'So hide the knives, Got it. Also phones are expensive, Trust me.' 'Yeah, Zaiden would know.' 'Thanks for the input Clide.. But NOT NOW!' 'Okay okay!' 'What's wrong??' 'Lola is coming over. Meaning you two need to go fucking hide somewhere.' 'What?? Why?' 'She's going to try and make you fall for her and steal you from me if she finds you.' 'She can try to-' I hear the door bell ring and I freeze. 'Zaiden go fucking lock yourself in your room!' 'What-' 'Clide you too move it!' 'Can't tell me what to-' 'Clide, C'mon.' Zaiden snaps and They both go hide in Zaiden's room before I go to reluctantly open the door. 'Lola-' 'Ashyy!' She jumps throwing her arms around me and I push her off while she walks into the dorm. 'Oh my gods! They really went all out in this place! I saw your videos! You're doing so well! I'm very proud of you!' 'Lola take a hint! We're not friends!' 'Oh, You just like to say that.' 'No I-' 'Ohhh, You made food, Why so many different things?? Do you have a roomie? Where is he?? I gotta meet him.' I go to grab her arm. 'Lola, Get the fuck out of here. We did not end up well in the last conversation we had. Quit trying to ruin my life!' 'Ash, You broke my heart.. This is called revenge hon.' I growl and she flicks my on my nose before going to look through the dormitories. I go to grab her arm again but she grabs mine first and starts to dig her nails into my cuts under my bandages and sleeves. 'Aw, I'm sorry I forgot that you're depressed.' She tightens her grip a bit before letting go making me grab my wrist and holding it to my chest whimpering slightly and I hear Zaiden's room door open. 'Ash,??' 'Hi! You must be Ash's room mates, I'm Lola.' 'I know he told me,' Zaiden brushes right past her and comes over to my holding my arm and going to remove the bandages and we both stare at the now open wound on my arm before Clide takes the hint and going to grab the Med Kit and coming over. Lola seems extremely offended before she comes over playing all sweet. 'Ash.. I told you not to do that anymore..' 'Shut the hell up.' Zaiden snaps at her and he drags me over to the couch before wrapping my wound again. 'You're going to need new stitches.. I'll take you.' 'It's fine..' 'Ash do not fight with me right now.' I sigh and Zaiden looks over at Lola before walking over to her and shoving her lightly. 'Don't fucking touch me, Clide or Ash Ever again Got it!?' 'I didn't want to hurt him, I just wanted to-' I watch as she slides a hand up onto Zaiden's Chest and Clide grabs her pulling her away from him. 'Hey! What gives??' I notice Zaiden taking a step back and I stare at him going over and hugging him while Zaiden hugs me back. 'Hands Off!' Clide starts to walk away dragging her with him and Zaiden looks down at me before we start to head outside and Zaiden takes me back to the hospital to get new stitches. 'Who the fuck is that girl anyway??' 'She's my ex-bestfriend.' 'Ex-bestfriend?' 'Yeah.. We used to be best friends until I started dating some guy in High school.. She got pissed because she liked me and I didn't like her so she wanted revenge.. So she hooked up with every single guy.. girl or crush I had..' 'Clide will deal with her.' I watch Zaiden's grip tighten around the steering wheel and I put a hand on his arm. 'Are you okay..?' 'I'm fine.. I just don't like Lola..'

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