[Chapter 19]

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I check to see who texted me and It's an Unknown number. "Hey Ash! It's Lila!" "Hey Lila, What's up?" "Can I come over?? I have something to show you!" "Sure I suppose, When?" "Like right now! I have nothing better to do." "Sure.. You know where the College is?" "I can google." I Smile at the message before I look over to my wall noticing I put my flags up and forgot so I go over taking them off and putting them in my little safe. I wat in the living room for a while before I finally hear a knock on the door and when I open the Door Lila Nearly jumps on me to hug me. 'Hey-' I laugh before She lets go handing me a box. 'What- What's this?' 'Open it!' I let Lila in before shutting the door and I open the box. 'A.. Ring..?' 'Ash! Don't you remember??' 'Hm? No..' 'It's the ring that you lost when we were kids, remember I bought us a matching set? I found it in my room a couple months ago.' 'Hell.. I completely forgot.' Lila holds up her hand showing a matching ring and I take mine out putting it on my hand. 'Hell, How does it still fit??' 'Well we didn't grow much.' 'Short people problems I guess.' Lila laughs before I hear My sisters bedroom door open. 'Ash?' 'Hm?' 'I know you and Zaiden-' Andrea walks out of the room and stares up at Lila before the two give an awkward glare at one another. 'Is.. Everything okay?' I look between the two before my sister shakes her head. 'Fine. Everything is fine. Hi Lila.' Lila stares down at the ground awkwardly. 'Hi Andrea..' 'So,' Andrea loudly exclaims. 'Ash, The next time you fuck your boyfriend on the couch, make sure nobody is home please, Poor Lizzy had to cover her ears with a pillow until we could find her headphones.' Lila suddenly looks up at me. 'Boyfriend?? You said you had a girlfriend..' 'I- Andrea!' 'You told her you're dating a girl?? Ash, You less straight than a fucking gummy worm!' 'I-' 'Hold on wait! So Ash is.. Is Gay??' 'I'm.. Bi actually but I didn't want to tell you because I'm afraid you'd hate me..' 'Oh.. You're.. Bi?' 'Yes..?' 'I-.. Ash why would I hate you?? We've been friends since preschool.' 'I- I just.. People don't have a good reaction usually.' 'Yeah, But now he has a boyfriend who can fuck people up who don't have a good reaction.' 'Andrea!' I turn to face my sister who's smiling at me before Freya and Lizzy walk out of the room. 'What's with all the yelling??' Lizzy is clinging onto Freya before she pokes her head out to see Lila and she Immediately hides herself behind Freya again. 'Liz-' I start before I get cut off by Lila. 'Wait.. Lizzy.. Is that you?' 'Hi Lila..' Lizzy greets her shyly before walking out a bit so they can see each other. 'Wait.. All of you are dating??' 'My sister, Freya and Lizzy, Yes. Me and Lizzy's brother are dating. Now can someone explain??' Lila looks up at me. 'Me and Lizzy are friends.. Well.. Were.. And I met.. Andrea when Lizzy invited me over for dinner.' 'Do- Okay wait, So then what's with the tension?' 'Lila is fake-' 'What?? No she's-' 'I'm not! I swear I was just trying to fit in..' 'You don't even know the Alpha's are all Male, and They're all already in Packs.' 'I just- I don't have that kind of information-' 'Why not??' 'Andrea calm down..' Lizzy walks over to Andrea holding her arm which Calms Andrea down. 'My parents never taught that to me, and I was always forced to walk out of the classes when ever it was mentioned..' 'What?? Why?' 'My parents.. They don't like wolves a lot..' 'What?' 'I was adopted since I was 2.. My parents aren't wolves and Hate wolves.. Which.. It's a miracle why they adopted me..' 'Why DID they adopt you then?? It doesn't add up!' 'Because they used me.. For tests..' 'What kind of tests..?' 'I..' Lila looks over at me like she wants help and I just pull her into a hug. 'She just.. She went through a lot. A lot of drugs and stuff..' I look over at Andrea before she sighs walking over and hugging Lila. 'I'm sorry.. I didn't know..' 'It's alright.. A lot of people just assume I'm not so smart because of it. I'm fine with it though.. Ash taught me to know my worth.' I mess up her hair before she hugs me again. 'You could've just told us y'know. Maybe we could've helped you sooner.' 'Nah, It's okay. I'm still living with them but they run less tests on me now they just mostly make me work in the house..' 'It's still Fucked up, that's Illegal!' Freya adds before we all stare over at her. 'We're getting you out of there you can't fucking stay there.' 'I could ask Clide...' Lizzy mutters before Lila chips in. 'No! No please it's okay really.. I can't.. I don't have anywhere else to go and I have no income or a way to pay my college-' 'Lila.. Let us help you. We can find you somewhere to stay and I'm sure we can help with college.' 'I can deal with the College tuition.' Freya explains before Lizzy nods. 'And if you want You can stay in Ash's room for a bit while we figure out where you can stay.' I nod at Lizzy. 'Yeah, I can sleep on the couch. It's more comfy anyway.' 'You'd know that wouldn't you..' Andrea cuts me off before I take off my shoe throwing it at her before Freya catches it. 'I know you're mad at her.. But don't.. Don't throw your sister with a shoe..' 'Fuck you mosquito.' I cross my arms staring at Freya. Freya starts to Laugh and Andrea throws a slipper at me but misses. 'You have awful aim!' 'So??' 'So you didn't hit me!' 'I wasn't trying to hit you.' 'Liar.' 'Shut up!' I laugh before Lizzy looks over at me. 'Did.. You take Zaiden's Violin out of it's case?' 'Hm?.. Oh yeah.. I thought it was sad that it had to constantly lay in a case.' 'Yeah but.. It's to protect it it's really old.' 'Yeah, I put it in a little Glass case that I may or may not have Bolted to the floor.' 'You realize that doesn't mean it's still safe.' 'Ash-' 'I can put it back I just thought it'd be nice for him to be able to have his violin out for once.' 'It's a nice thought, at home he has a case for it at home, It's just a bit.. Dangerous here with the people and all..' 'Yeah..' 'Tell you what, We'll put it in it's case and we can return that box, And I might consider letting you try something else.' 'How about we just leave it?' 'If you're going to keep people away from the violin sure, But.. It's just dangerous. It's a really old Violin.' I nod and Lizzy walks off into Zaiden's room Before Lila turns to me. 'Your boyfriend plays Violin?' 'Yeah-' 'And you play Piano! You should play something together!' 'Lila.. Uhm.. He's not here right now. He's away for about a week.' 'Aw.. That sucks! I bet he plays as beautifully as you do!' 'I- Thanks.. But I'm not that good..' 'Ash shut up-' Andrea cuts me off. 'Why do you always do that??' 'Do what??' 'You always say things like "I can't play that well" Or "I suck at it" Like shut up! I can't play a freaking Tambourine and you come in fucking playing that thing like it ain't anything.' I hide my face before Lila looks over at them. 'Did you know Ash started playing because of me??' 'Wait what- Ash you never said that..' 'I didn't want anybody to know me and Lila were friends because of rumors and her parents.. Then I found out that Piano helps to calm her when she's having a stressful day so I learned to play before I started to get addicted myself.' Andrea sighs before Hugging me. 'You're too fucking precious for this world..' 'You sound like Zaiden! Shut up!' 'So that's his name?' I look down at Lila who's slightly laughing. 'I knew it wasn't Zena since it was a guy but I didn't expect you to keep the first letter the same.' 'I- I'm horrible at keeping secrets..' 'Just ever so slightly. But I got a question..' Lila smiles before Looking at Andrea. 'How did.. How did you know you liked girls..?' 'Uhm.. I think it's.. Better to ask Freya..' 'Lila looks over at Freya before Freya sighs. 'I dated 2 guys. Never liked them. And never again will I date a guy, but girls always caught my eye. First girl I feel for was Lizzy over there in the room.' 'That's.. Actually really cute. I wish I had a girlfriend.. You seems so loving..' 'Not to say that guys aren't loving.. You just..' 'I dunno.. I just never really.. Liked guys either.. I thought there was something wrong with me. Maybe I'm just gay too..' 'Correct term is lesbian actually..' 'Well then I think I'm that.' 'Then.. Maybe. You should experiment.' I mess up Lila's hair again before I head to my room to dismantle the violin case. Lila walks up behind me as I'm putting the Violin back and She looks over at Lizzy who's sitting on Zaiden's bed watching me. 'I have an Idea, Before you take it apart!' Lila runs off and disappears for a bit and I just shrug sitting down on the bed. 'So.. She seriously has no Idea about anything wolf related??' 'No.. Other than her own rank since I told her.' 'What rank is she anyway? I wasn't close enough to check.' 'She's a gamma.' 'Does she know about her heat..?' I suddenly sit up before thinking. 'Shit.. No I don't think so..' 'Does she just.. Think she's dying or something??' 'I'll.. Ask her tonight..' Lizzy nods and after a while Lila comes back holding a small Violin. 'I have one too.. You can have mine. Then you have something to keep in the case.' 'No Lila.. Don't worry I'll just take it back.. Really, I don't even play-' 'Then give it to Zaiden.. I don't play.. I find it too difficult.. He would make better use of it than me... It'd make me feel so much better than having my violin rot away in my hands..' I watch as Lila takes out an older beautiful Violin and puts in the glass case before she closes is and comes over to me sitting on the bed. 'Please.. Tell him I wanna hear him playing it. I want to make sure it's in good hands.' 'Alright.. I'll tell him.' I mess up her hair before she flops down on my lap and stares at the ceiling. Lizzy eventually walks out closing the door since I asked her to and I stare down at Lila. 'Are you still keeping your grades up?' 'Trying to.' 'At least you're trying. That's what matters.' 'Yeah.. Have you heard about Henrick?' 'You mean Fenrick?' 'Yeah- I keep forgetting, But Apparently he Married Loraine.' 'Already?? Isn't he like.. 19?' 'Yeah, Those two got married and moved in together but they seem happier than anybody I've ever seen.' 'I doubt that, But I guess if they're happy good for them.' 'Yeah.. I wonder what it's like to be married. 'You might find out some day.' 'Might..' 'Lila.. I kinda need to ask you about something.' 'What is it?' 'Starting on January do you ever.. Feel.. Off? Every 4 months?' 'Uhm..' Lila thinks for a bit sitting up. 'Oh, Now you mention it yeah! I usually feel like.. I guess like everything is just.. Awful..' 'Do certain scents set you off? Fever?' 'Yeah.. Usually when I get aggressive my parents just lock me in the basement with a muzzle on so I don't hurt them.. Is something wrong with me??' 'No, No.. That's something to do with your wolf.. It's called heat.. It happens for you every 4 months.. meaning.. You get a little sick.. Nothing is wrong with you I promise..' 'Really..?' 'Yeah.. It happens to me too.. The best way to avoid the aggression is a mask.. I'll get you one okay?' Lila nods before hugging me and I lean back pulling my hand through her long white hair. She's like a little sister to me.. I just want to protect her like I protected Andrea but that's so fucking hard..

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