[Chapter 3]

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As I start to finally relax I hear a loud thud as the front door to our Dorm opens and I jump. 'Hello..?' I get up and walk out of my room putting the book down on my bed and I se Zaiden leaning on the counter looking Pissed again. But way worse than before.. 'Zaiden.. Are you.. Okay..?' Zaiden leans forward with his head in his hand sighing a passive aggressive, 'I'm fine..' I listen to him sighing again and I walk over putting a hand on his arm. 'The fuck happened..? Did someone else try and piss you off and finally succeed? I couldn't do it-' 'Trust me it isn't actually that hard to piss me off.. You're just incapable.' It's then I notice a weird feeling and I stare down noticing Zaiden's arms have scars and a few open wounds. 'Zaiden..?' 'I just- Ignore it, It's fine really.' I watch as Zaiden stands up and starts walking away. I look down to see a small amount of blood on Zaidens hands and I pull my ears down. I walk over and grab him by his arms dragging him towards the bathroom where I grab a small First aid kit and pull up his hands checking them for wounds cleaning off the blood and scratch wounds on his arms. 'It's not needed- I'm fine.' 'Shut up. You don't listen to me, So I'm not listening to you.' 'Because I don't have to-' 'Your human side. Not your damn alpha side.' 'I-..' Zaiden falls silent for a moment before I start to cover his wounds with bandages. 'I- Ow-' 'Oh shush you big baby, I would've put in stitches but I don't have any medical thread left.' 'It's not that- I'm not a baby! I just feel pain quicker than most people.' 'Good, That means you have an Idea of how big a dumbass you are.' 'Shut up..' I tie off the bandage around his arm and grab his other arm but it's luckily fine and I just clean off his hand that's a bit bloody too. 'Thanks.. That wasn't necessary though..' 'I don't care. You chose to drag me here so live with it. Well.. Me.' I push past him and walk back over to my room where I sit down on the bed grabbing my book again and Zaiden follows staring at me then up at my wall. 'You're Bi?' 'Hm? Oh the flags.. Uhm.. Yeah. But Just don't mention it. It's something I'm not particularly open to.' 'I get it don't worry.' We both share a moment of silence before he walks over sitting on the bed. 'Why do you still hate me? Even AFTER I told you my reasonings??' 'Because I can.' 'Ash-' 'Zaiden-' 'C'mon really? Stop doing that.' 'What??' 'You ignore questions by copying saying someone's name to cut them off.' 'Oh really? I didn't notice.' I cover my face with the book before Zaiden takes it. 'Watcha readin?' 'Oi! Why would you care??' 'Just cause I play lacrosse It doesn't mean I'm a complete Jock. I'm somewhat of a nerd myself as the teachers like to call it.' 'It's a boring book now give it-' 'The alpha's pet??' 'Hey! It has a great Plot line!' Zaiden starts to laugh handing the book back. 'I've already read that book like twice.' I hear Zaiden mumble scratching the back of his head and I chuckle. 'Dweeb.' 'I am not a dweeb- Actually... Eh nevermind good point. Look I'll make a deal with you.' 'And what would that be??' 'If I can get you to at least like me, Then we can be friends and If not, I'll leave you alone forever.' '.. Hm.' 'C'mon just give me a week.' 'I-..' I think for a moment. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad Idea.. I don't particularly hate him.. But it might be fun to mess with him a little. 'Fine, Just a week.' 'Yes! Okay, Hold on I got an Idea, How about we can go hang out after school ends today at the pool?' 'We're not allowed-' 'I am. and If I want I can get free access for me and a few friends.' 'I don't like people-' 'It'll just be you and me.' 'Ugh! Fine.' I watch Zaiden laugh and get up walking away. Maybe he isn't so bad after all anyway. I pull my ears down slightly before pulling them back up. The fuck is wrong with me!? I said I wouldn't trust people! I'm only doing this to mess with him.. Right?? 

When it turns around 5pm I go to find Zaiden by the pool and there's nobody there. Of course he would bail on me.. He's a fucking player anyway, probably busy playing some sort of girlfriend of his... I turn to leave when I jump at the sound of a splash in the pool. 'Damn it took you long enough.' I sigh walking over and sitting down with my feet in the water. 'You thought I ditched you huh?' 'Yes I did asshole. Don't do that.' 'I was just swimming. Speaking of which.' 'I don't swim I'm sorry.' 'Then why would you agree..?' 'I just like how the pool looks this time of night.' 'True, It is really pretty.' Zaiden jumps out next to me splashing me with water. 'Oi!' Zaiden laughs and I rub away the water on my arm and face. 'You did kinda show up late-' 'I was not late!' 'Well I was here before you so.. Late.' 'You're just trying to annoy me aren't you?' 'Is it working?' 'Yes, Very much it is.' 'Good.' Zaiden gets up to go grab his towel and comes to sit next to me again by the pool with his feet in the water. 'We shouldn't stay out too late you didn't get much sleep last night.' 'Clide told you everything didn't he??' 'No, Just mostly that you didn't sleep well.' I scoff and roll my eyes. 'From what I know, You're one of those.. Sleep freaks I guess you can call them.' 'I'm really not. Not anymore. But it helps to have enough sleep Ash.' I shake my head. 'Nightmares don't allow sleep. They and sleep are actually constantly at war.' 'True.. At least try to sleep again though. If you can't sleep come get me.' 'Right, Come wake you from your sleep if I can't.' 'I'm usually awake. I used to love sleeping but now I'm just kinda mostly.. Not sleeping a lot.' I sigh. 'Fine, I'll try.' 'You wanna see something cool?' 'I don't trust you. You have the ability to murder me.' 'Oh my gods, Just c'mon.' Zaiden picks me up and we both run of to somewhere between the office and the classrooms. 'The.. Theatre class??' I stare at Zaiden though I can't see him well in the dark. 'Yeah, The theatre Class.' He looks for a light and turns it on before walking over to the stage. 'I had an Idea.' 'What kind of Idea? Does it involve murder??' 'Oh would you get over it? I won't murder you.' 'Fine.' 'C'mere.' 'Where??' I follow him as he walks into and behind a door and I follow before realizing he just dragged me onto the stage. 'Seriously??' 'Yeah.' 'Why is it so fucking big..?' 'Because we're so many students.' I walk over to Zaiden before staring back at the gigantic empty room. 'Why are we here..?' 'Idk, I just like being here. Helps me think.' 'Doesn't help me think. Makes me want to go back to bed or hoping your actual plan is to murder me.' 'Oh for heaven's sakes.' 'What?? I don't like big open spaces or people.' 'Well.. There's no people and if you think about it.. The chairs fill the open room.' 'Shut up idiot.' 'I'm not an asshole anymore at least. I think that's progress.' I hold back a laugh and just smile shaking my head. 'Let's just go to bed it's getting late.' 'What time is it?' 'It's like.. 8 already.' 'What!? We haven't even been out that long!' 'Time flied when you have fun.' Zaiden starts to walk off and I follow him. While we walk down the hall we hear a locker slamming shut. 'The fuck..?' I curse Looking back and pulling my ears down. Zaiden seems to become instantly more alert and starts making me move with him. 'C'mon, Just ignore it.' 'I- But-' 'Just keep walking..' I ignore it and keep walking before we hear 3 more lockers starting to shut again slowly. One after the other then 2 nearby doors. 'Zaiden we can't just ignore it-!' 'Shh, Just stay quiet..' Zaiden Drags me off to the side into a classroom and shuts the door behind him. 'You're starting to panic, Calm down kay? There's nothing to be scared of I promise.' 'Zaiden It's fucking creepy!' 'I know, Just take a few breaths. It'll be fine..' 'I think you're the one panicking.' 'I'm fine. Stay put.' I watch as Zaiden walks over to the door opening the door slowly and walking outside shutting the door again. I pull my knees up to my chest before I stare at the door. After a good while of silence I walk over to the door and open it slowly but the hallways are both empty. I know I'm supposed to stay put.. But where the fuck is Zaiden?? I gotta look for him.. I walk out of the classroom shutting the door and choosing a direction. I head towards the direction we came from since that's where the noise was coming from and I walk close to the walls. It's not long before I freeze dead in my tracks feeling the blood leave my body when I hear someone whistling. I start to back away and turn to run when I hear a set of footsteps behind me. Please don't let this be another nightmare.. Actually no please do let it be a nightmare.. 'Ash! Slow down!' I start to Slow down and Zaiden runs over grabbing my wrist and we both start running to the Dormitories. 'Zaiden what's going on!?' 'Don't worry about it just keep running..' We both run over to our dormitory before closing and locking the door. 'It fucking disappeared. I dunno where it went..' 'I heard it whistle!' 'You too??' 'What the fuck was that!?' 'I'm not supposed to say.. But I think it's one of the School's ex students. There's a myth that one of the students just disappeared now he haunts the fucking place.' 'What!?' 'Forget it it's just a myth. It's probably a few freshman messing around-' It's then that we hear a knock at the door. Zaiden jumps before staring at the door. 'Open it..' 'Ash that is how you die!' 'What is it's someone who needs help??' 'Then we'll help them... After we know it's safe.' We suddenly hear a loud banging and laughing before Zaiden swings the door open to find a bunch of the freshman. I watch Zaiden's ears pull back and he lets out a low growl before they all go pale realizing who they just scared. 'Back to your damn dorms! Tomorrow I'll have a word with each and every one of you little shits.' 'Yes sir we- We're sorry!' They all peek in to see me and then turn to walk off. Fuck now they're gonna know I share a dorm with one of the fucking alphas.. Zaiden shuts the door sighing. 'They must've heard the damn rumor from camp or something and thought it'd be funny.' I pull my knees up to my chest again as I'm now sitting on the couch staring at my feet. 'Let's just go try to get some sleep..' 'No way. Not after that.' 'Ash.. At least try. I'll be right across the hall if you need me.' I sigh and get up walking to my bedroom before grabbing my earphones and putting them in my ears before laying down. and trying to fall asleep. After a good while I finally start to Doze off before I wake up again and I stare at the ceiling. It's another nightmare.. Isn't it..? I sit up before I hear scratching and I look over to the corner realizing I'm back in my room from home again. 'Not again.. Please..' 'What's wrong Ash..? I'm here for you.. Don't worry about what's happening downstairs. I'm your friend, I know what's best for you-' 'You're figment of my imagination! I'm not leaving this bed.' 'I wouldn't ask you to anyway.. You're going to do it on your own.' I watch as younger shadow of myself gets out of the bed and starts to walk towards the door. 'He- Hey! No.. Come back..!' I get up to follow the kid and when I reach the door again I stop myself before I notice the kid slowly going downstairs so I go over to grab him, But he slips past me. I follow him further downstairs before I'm stopped in my tracks staring at my mother and father. Then I jolt awake again before falling back and being caught. 'No! No!..' 'Ash.. Calm down, What's wrong??' I stare at Zaiden and start to break down. 'Sh- She was right there.. She was right there! I had time-' Zaiden pulls me into a hug and I start to cry into his shoulder. 'I didn't think it'd be that bad..' I hear Zaiden sigh. After a good while of crying I finally calmed down enough and lay down on Zaiden's bed while he's sitting on the edge of the bed. 'I'm sorry for bothering you this late at night with my nightmares..' I mumble. 'Nah, You're fine, really, I get it. I cover my head with the blanket. 'You should try to get some sleep again.' 'I don't feel like it..' I sigh. 'Fine, but then you're not going to class tomorrow.' 'You can't-' 'You barely slept, I'm not letting you go back to class like that.' 'I'm fine-' 'Ash,' I sigh staring at him after pulling the blankets down. I try to get back and after a good while sweet exhaustion takes me again before I wake up in the living room this time. I stare at my mother and father again. Same thing as before.. "I told you  once! I will not say it again! If I say something! It goes!!' 'Alex, Calm down please..! The kids..' 'I don't give a shit! You should've thought about that before you disrespected me!' I watch as my father leaves the room and grabs a gun walking back over to my mother. I stand there frozen. I know it's just a nightmare.. I know it is.. That's what I thought back then too.. But it was real.. I hear more screaming but I tune it out until I hear a gunshot as the gun goes off and I stare at my father unable to look at my mother. 'Daddy... Mommy!?' I watch the little boy version of myself running over to my mother and My dad pulling me away dragging me back upstairs. it was then that he locked me in my room. It's at this point I wake up again jolting upwards and wiping away tears on my face. I look around the room realizing I'm still in Zaiden's room and I panic. 'Shit..' I hear the door open and Zaiden walks in with a cup of coffee. 'I.. Figured you'll need it..' 

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