Chapter 35

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Harry's POV

My phone buzzed with a text from Phoenix. Strange, we almost never hang out anymore. I'll change that soon.

When are you and the lads and Ed and Dani all free? I kinda have something to share -P

I looked up and surveyed the scene before me: Louis and Niall were playing FIFA on the couch, Zayn had already left, and Liam was being responsible and making sure Lou and Niall didn't kill each other, since they were both competitive. Me? I was chilling at the table, debating how to answer Phoenix.

You can come anytime. We aren't doing anything. Lou and Ni are playing FIFA, Liam's making sure they don't kill each other, Ed is sleeping, and Dani and I are chilling at the table -H

Can you wake Ed? He needs to be awake for this. Might want to get him a cuppa to properly wake him. I know how you British men like your cuppas ;) -P

Might I point out that you are a Brit as well, and we all know how you like your cuppas -H

Touche -P

So, how do I like my cuppas? -P

Like your Brit men? -H

More like how I like my Irish man ;) -P

Well alrighty then. I'll go wake the Ed-meister with his cuppa -H

"Ed, Phoenix is coming over, and she specifically requested that you be awake," I shook the ginger lad to wake him.

"Go away. I don't wanna see Phoenix," he groaned, still half-asleep.

"Ed, I do have a cuppa waiting for you, and you're going to see Phoenix and you're going to sit and listen to what she has to say as well," I yanked the covers off him and jerked him to a sitting position, giving him the warm cuppa. He seemed to instantly become more awake, just from one sip.

"Get dressed," I ordered, throwing him a pair of sweat pants and an Ed Sheeran t-shirt.

He came out a couple minutes later, just as I went to let Phoenix and the 5SOS bus into our bus.

Phoenix's POV

I was waiting outside the 1D bus, with Luke, Ash, Cal, Mikey, and Payrin all behind me. I was super nervous, because I didn't know if Ed was going to kill me or if someone else (read: Niall or Harry) was going to kill me. I was incredibly scared, and nervous, and I was shaking.

I knocked on the door and took a step back. What if I got shunned? What was going to happen?

Harry opened the door and welcomed us all in warmly, giving each of us hugs, including Luke.

Everyone was sitting on the couches surrounding the TV, and Liam had two X-Box controllers in his hand, no doubt keeping them from Niall and Louis. Ed looked like he had just woken up, and he had a cuppa in his hand. So Harry had done his job.

Everyone got comfortable, adjusting for the newcomers, and I stood in front of the TV, my hands shaking.

"Um, so I have, um, something to confess," I said nervously.

Luke and Michael looked at me encouragingly.

"So, after the concert last night, I had a rough concert, and I needed a guy to cuddle. Guy cuddles are different than girl cuddles. The Aussie lads were already on stage, and you lot were getting ready for your portion, so Ed was really the only one free. We came back to this bus, and cuddled, and one thing led to another, and we," I almost couldn't finish the sentence, but I forced myself to.

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