Chapter 28

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Phoenix's POV

We finally got off the ferry at Calais the next morning (HALLELUJAH) and decided as we were climbing onto the tour bus again that it would be the perfect time to get some sleep. I didn't get much last night for some reason (read: LOUIS TOMLINSON). Right as I tucked myself in, armed with Mr. Cuddles and my pillow and blanket, my phone went off with a text message.

Hey, you have a really nice voice, read the text from none other than my ex-boyfriend, Lucifer Hemmings.

Is there a point to this? I replied back. If there was no point to this, than I was just going to turn my phone off and try to sleep.

Um, yes. I feel the need to compliment you on your voice was his reply.

I thought that's what opening for One Direction was for I texted.

I also like your hair he texted.

And your laugh

And your smile

And your style

And your music choices

So basically you're trying to get me to text you back, am I right? I replied, getting fed up with this nonsense.

Well, I do have a sexy lip piercing he texted me.

At that point, I just decided to shut my phone off and attempt to sleep.

"Harry, wake me up when we get to our first tour stop," I opened the bunk curtain and called out.

Alright, love," he called out.

Just as I began to drift off into the happy land called sleep, my phone buzzed enough to wake me up. I pulled my phone out from next to me, and, seeing that it was Luke, I pulled the curtain open and through the phone out, closing the curtain before drifting off to sleep.


Liam's POV

I heard a phone clang on the floor of the bus, as if it had been thrown. Looking up from the table where I was playing Solitaire, I saw a phone on the floor that would buzz and light up every so often. It annoyed me enough that I finally got up and picked up the phone.

It was Phoenix's phone.

In that case, I shouldn't read any of the messages she was getting. That was intruding on her private business, which didn't concern me.

Her phone buzzed and lit up again, so looking over, I saw that she had a whole bunch of messages from Luke Hemmings.

Wait. Luke Hemmings as in the lead singer from that band 5 Seconds of Summer? Luke Hemmings who's obsessed with penguins?

I saw one of the texts he sent her.

I'm sorry that we had to break up, but I think you're really hot and that you and I are a cuter couple than you and Niall

Yeah, it was him.

"Harry? Mate, come take a look at this, would ya?" I called Harry over from his spot in front of the telly. Some football game was on, and Niall was real excited.

"What's up mate?" he walked over.

"Don't breathe a word of this to Phoenix or Niall, but Luke's been texting Phoenix," I explained.

Harry pursed his lips in deep thought. I could see his older brother side coming out.

"Alright. Thanks Li," he said, going back over to sit in front of the telly.

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