Chapter 24

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Niall's POV

"Who are we?" I burst out.

"I'm Liam."

"I'm Louis."

"I'm Zayn."

"I'm Harry."

"I'm Niall."

"And we're One Direction!" we chorused.

"And I'm Ed Sheeran," he said.

"I know who you all are," she said, motioning to Ed and the other four lads.

"But, I don't know you," she said.

"You know them, but you don't know me?" I asked, hurt.

"Sorry, but yeah, I don't," she answered.

"Ni, mate, can I see you for a second?" Liam peered in the door. When did he leave?

"What's up, Li?" I asked once the door closed.

"Phoenix got hit by a semi truck, and apparently the driver was drunk," Liam told me.

My jaw dropped on shock. When was Phoenix hit? It was only like noon. And why was the driver of a semi truck drunk?

"Yeah, from what the nurse said, it seemed like she was hit at one time but all over, like she got flattened on the grill of the truck," Liam added.

"Yeah, and she hit the ground really hard, and there might be some brain damage," a nurse came up behind Liam to finish explaining.

"But, if she's got amnesia, wouldn't she have forgotten about us? Why am I the only one she lost memories about?"

"I don't know, mate, but everyone's probably waiting on us. Let's go back in," Liam said.


Phoenix's POV

There was a bit of awkward silence when Liam and that blond kid left the room.

"So, how are you feeling?" Harry asked.

"I'm alright. Apparently I was right in between the truck's wheels. so while the truck ran me over, the wheels never touched me, which the doctor said was a miracle. Had the wheels touched me, then I would've been in critical condition," I answered.

"So, the truck only knocked you over?" Zayn asked.

"Yep," I nodded.

"So, before this whole drama, we had this thing going where we were writing a song or two for your album, and we kinda need to do some recording soon," Ed brought up.

"Yes, I've been thinking about how long I would be here and when I would be able to go in and record. I've had a ton of ideas before I met you lads, so I wrote my ideas down in my journal. Would you hand me the journal? There are melodies and harmonies written for it too," I answered.

Ed handed me my journal and I began to flip through it, getting flashbacks of all the emotions I felt when writing these songs, including the songs that I had written right after Luke and I had broken up.


"Luke, what did I do to cause you to stop loving me? And now that I've caught you with this other girl, when did you stop loving me?" I pleaded with Luke. He was my first and so far my only boyfriend.

"You're no good anymore! You're all goody-goody and sheltered and so naive!" he yelled at me.

"Oh, so you only dated me to get in my pants?" I shouted back at him.

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