she snaps at you when you're about to tell her you're pregnant (requested)

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As soon as you heard the alarm beeping on your phone, you jumped up from where you were sitting on the bathroom floor and rushed over to the countertop.

You stared at the pregnancy tests through teary eyes as you read the results.

All of them were positive.

As excited as you were, it didn't compare to the way that you'd feel if you got to celebrate this news with Irene.

So you hurried into the bedroom and grabbed your phone off of the bed so you could call her at the studio.

However, just as you were about to tap on her contact, you heard the front door open and close downstairs.

"Irene!" You excitedly yelled out as you grabbed one of the tests and hurried downstairs. "Irene, guess what!"

"What?" She spoke.

But not in a way that told you that she was curious or excited about whatever it was you had to tell her.

But rather one of annoyance.

Before you spoke, you'd heard the huff that left her lips, and you caught the eye roll that she did, too.

"I have something to tell you."

"It can wait, right?" She asked, taking you by surprise. "I am not in a good mood right now, Y/N. I had to come home early because everything was going wrong in the studio and it put me in the worst mood. So whatever you have to tell me, save it for later."

Save it for later?

This was life-changing news.

It's news that you and Irene have been waiting for.

And she wanted you to save it for later?

"It can't wait. Trust me you're going to love it!"

"Am I?" She asked in annoyance as she folded her arms over her chest. "You know what I'd love right now, Y/N? For you to give me some space."


"But nothing, dammit!" She yelled. "I said give me some space! Whatever you have to tell me, save it. I don't care right now."

"Really, Irene?" You scoffed. "I thought you'd be excited to hear that I'm pregnant!"

"You're what?" She asked in shock.

You threw the pregnancy test at her, watching it fall in front of her feet.

"Congrats. You're going to be a mom. But I guess that you don't care."

You turned around to walk away, only for her to gently take ahold of your wrist and keep you from leaving.

"Irene, stop. Let go."

"Not a chance." She said as she pulled you into her arms. "I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to snap at you. Will you please turn around and look at me?"

You sighed but did as she asked.

"I know I shouldn't have said anything that I said back there and you didn't deserve any of it. Please forgive me?"


"No, not whatever." She said as she cupped your cheek in her palm. "This is a big moment, baby. We should be celebrating, not be angry at each other."

"Well, I wouldn't be so angry if you didn't say what you said back there. It's okay if you had a hard day but don't take it out on me."

"You're right. I understand and I'm truly sorry."

She began to pepper kisses across your face as she continued to apologize repeatedly.

"Forgive me?"

She was sorry.

You could see it in her eyes.

So you gave in and forgave her.

Because, after all, you have something huge to celebrate and you don't want to spend the night feeling angry when you should be feeling overjoyed.

"Y/N, you're pregnant!" She grinned. "We're having a baby!"

"I'm so excited," You said as you stared down at your stomach.

"Me too!" She said as she began to caress your stomach lovingly.

Getting down on her knees in front of you, she gently leaned her forehead on your stomach and began speaking to it.

"Hello in there, baby. We can't wait to meet you. We love you so much already." She said as she kissed your stomach.

You already knew that you were going to be the best parents in the world to this lucky little baby, whom you already adore more than anything.

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