you fight but can't sleep without each other

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You tried hard to keep your eyes closed in hopes that you'd fall fast asleep soon, but you knew it was pointless.

You were tired but no matter how comfortable you tried to get, you couldn't get to sleep.

Between the emptiness and the cold, Irene's absence was obvious. You missed the security and warmth her embrace provides but because you had a disagreement earlier and both needed some space and room to breathe for the night - you were on your own tonight.

You were laying on Irene's side, hoping it'd bring you some comfort. With her hoodie around you and the smell of her perfume that lingered on the fabric filling your lungs, you hoped it was only a matter of time till you were soothed enough to sleep.

But you couldn't stop thinking about your disagreement. It wasn't all that bad but you both had rough days and one thing led to another and before you knew it, the doors were slamming; that being the last thing before you tried to sleep instead of your usual goodnight kiss. That only made your heart ache more.

You only wondered if she was feeling the same.

You rolled back onto your side and laid your cheek on the cool pillowcase. You closed your eyes but they opened right away again when you heard the bedroom door opening and closing.

You quickly closed them again as her feet padded across the floor over to your shared bed.


She waited for you to speak but when she didn't get a response, she climbed under the covers.

She hesitated but laid her hand on your back a few seconds later.

"Y/n? Baby? Are you awake?"

"What do you want, Irene?"

She sighed then bit her lip as she tried to think of what to say. She'd spent the last couple of hours attempting to think of what to say to make things better but all she could think about was the look of hurt in your eyes before you slammed the door and the loneliness you must feel without her.

"I'm sorry."

You didn't answer, which only made her mind run more.

"We both had long, busy days and I didn't mean to get angry with you. If I said anything that hurt your feelings I'm truly sorry."

"I thought you wanted to spend the night apart to have some space?"

"All I want is you." She spoke softly and her words made your heart melt a little. "I can't sleep without you. I mean, I do it on tour only because I have no choice. But being home, knowing you were right across the hall, I couldn't even if I tried."

You turned around and her forehead immediately fell onto yours. A soft sigh fell from her lips and fell onto yours.

"I missed you."

"I can tell. You are in my hoodie and laying on my side of the bed." She chuckled.

"I'm sorry for the things I said. It was only a stupid disagreement but we both let it get out of hand because we had rough days. I feel bad about it."

"Let's just put it all behind us." She whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.


She leaned in to lay a kiss to your lips, letting them linger on yours.

"I'm happy you came in. I couldn't sleep."

"Me neither," she said and pulled you into her arms. She gently pushed your head to rest on her chest and you didn't pull away. You were happy to be in her arms again. "But now you can get a good nights sleep. I love you and I promise no more arguments for a very long time."

You chuckled and nodded your head happily.

"I've got you now, baby. Get some sleep."

"Love you, Irene."

She brushed her lips along your forehead lovingly and watched you drift off to sleep.

"Love you more, baby girl. I love you so very much."

Irene Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now