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"morning" i say when i walk into the dressing room.

"moring adria" mayra says while i sit down and put my head in my hands.

"i need to work out today, ugh" i moan making maura laugh.

"juts don't" maura says.

"it helps me get my mind off thing tho and o need to get my mind of micheal for at least half an hour" i say, getting up and picking out a workout outfit. i get changed and walk outside to work out.

"u alr after last night" anton asks me once i get there.

"yeah no i just feel guilty" i tell him while doing my workout rutine.

"why what have u done" he asks, stopping what he was doing to look at me.

"umm well me and micheal have kissed and not told anyone and it's so bad i'm supposed to be a girls girl" i rant while he stand there in shock.

"how many times"


"how many times have u kissed him" anton asks me.

"twice, both in the bathroom" i tell him.

"oh fuck"

"idk what to do, but please don't tell anyone anton" i beg him making him nod.

"no, no i won't" he tells me making me smile.

"him and joanna have made up" he says looking over and micheal joanna on the sun beds together.

"that's good"

"boy talk anton" jordan shouts making anton smile at me before walking off to the boys. i finish my work before getting into a bikini. i walk outside when jordan gets a text.

"islanders, tonight the boys will be cooking dinner for the girls. but first Jordan, tommy and Anton it's time to go shopping to buy the ingredients. please get ready to leave immediately #prepyourself #supermarketsweet" jordan read out making all of us laugh. we all help them get ready saying goodbye to them before going back to the garden, me and anna sat on the day beds tanning until chris came over.

"can i borrow this one" chris asked anna making me smile.

"yeah i was just about to do something anyway" she says getting up and walking away making chris sit down in her spot.

"there's alot of thing i really like about u but i think that we are quite different people, like ur really quite cool" he explains.

"u think i'm cool" i ask him while smiling.

"yeah u are ur like a cool cat"

"ooo thanks" i say flipping my hair around jokingly.

"and i'm like into harry potter and shit like that yk what i mean" he tells me.

"but we might have alot more in common then u think, we've had what 3 chats, we barely know each other" i explain to him.

"and that's what i was saying to Maura this morning" chris tells me.

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