party night ends in heartbreaks

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"ugh curtis snores so loud" i complained before getting out of bed and getting changed.

when i walked outside micheal and anton jumped out at me making me fall to the floor and scream.

"fuck off,it's way to early for that" i shout why they were both laughing. i get up off the floor while micheal hugs me from behind, kissing my neck.

"ur out anton" i say giving him a dirty look while he looks at micheal in shock.

"what, it was him aswell" anton shouts making me roll my eyes.

"it was ur idea i can just tell" i say before getting out of michaels arms and walking towards one of the sun beds.

"ria, come here" micheal says, from the day beds making me groan and get up and walk to him.

"what, i was comfy there" i say making him grab me and pull me onto him.

"i'm sorry for being immature last night" he says looking down at me.

"i forgave u ages ago for that" i say smiling at him.

"i know but i just wanna apologise to u again" he says making me lean up to kiss him.

"i've got a text" tommy shouted making both of us to look at him.

"tommy and molly-mae you're going on a date, please get ready to leave the villa #saddleun #toohottotrot" tommy read out making all of us cheer.

"outfit time" i say to micheal before getting up and walking to molly.

"is this ur first date" i asked her while we walked.

"yeah, i'm wow excited" molly says making me smile.

"i can't wait to hear about tommy horse riding" i day while laughing a bit imagining it.

"love u all dont have to much fun without us"molly said to all of us while we waved at em.

"bye" we all say.


"i'm so tired" i say, leaning more into my bean bag.

"i just want a chill day" anton said making me nod.

"no argument today" tom says, before maura walks over saying.

"why wasn't u honest with me" making me look at micheal with winded eyes.

"never mind, no chill day in here" i say.

"what u mean" tom asked maura.

"well u should know" maura says, tom stand up making them wilder to each other until maura shouts

"ur a prick, do u honestly think i want to speak to u, ur a coward, i've got nothing to say for yourself cuz u know ur a bear face fucking lair"

"im not a bear face fucking lair" tom defence himself.

"so im a attention seeker why did u come and kiss me in bed last night if u think im a attention seeker" she asks him, me and anton sit up now wanting to see what was happening.

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