17- i'm sorry

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When Louis woke up, he saw the figure of a person sitting on the chair in their room, and he started screaming. Harry woke up abruptly from the scream, and when he saw Louis screaming he screamed too as the light went on. "Stop yelling morons," said Gemma's voice.

Louis and Harry closed their eyes because of the light, and when they opened them again, Gemma was sitting in the chair and looking at them. Harry turned to Louis, and "why were you screaming?" He asked him yelling.

"She scared me, I thought she was a murderer. She was sitting in the shade and she looked at me, she scared me" Louis justified himself, throwing himself dead weight on the bed.

Gemma sighed and went to raise the blinds, letting the sun's rays pass through, then turning off the light "why are you in our room, anyway?" Harry asked her sister.

Gemma looked at him then looked at Louis and sat back in the chair "I'm sorry"

Harry frowned and looked at Louis in confusion, trying to figure out if he knew anything, but the boy shook his head. "You're sorry about what?" He then asked her sister.

Gemma looked at the floor and ran a hand through her hair, pulling it back "Well, you know I had to cover you yesterday, right?" She said, and the two boys nodded. "Well, something might have happened"

"Did they catch us?" Louis immediately asked, worried.

"Oh, no, not that," Gemma assured him, and both boys sighed with relief.

"What then? Explain yourself," said her brother.

Gemma nodded and continued playing with her hair "I had a plan. When mum and Mark came home, I turned on the water in the shower and if they asked me where you were, I said that one was in the shower, and then for the other one I'd make something up on the spot.." she began to explain "mom then came to me and said she had to talk to you, but she couldn't find you, and she asked me where you were" she said looking at Harry "so I told her that you were in the shower, but then she was about to enter the bathroom, and I panicked, I'm sorry"

"What did you do?" Asked the younger.

Gemma looked at Harry and Louis, sighing "I, like, said she couldn't come in because Louis was having a shower with you.."

Both Louis and Harry fell silent, before "you said what!" Harry screamed.

"That was a good plan! Mum wouldn't have come in if Louis was in the shower too, but I realized too late what I said could be meant another way, and... this." Harry grunted and Louis covered himself up, pulling the sheets over his face.

"Shitty figure number two unlocked," Louis muttered into his hands.

"But hey, it's normal to shower with your friends. Maybe they don't even remember it," Gemma said trying to ease the tension.

"It's not normal for two guys to take a shower together in the same shower cubicle, which I should point out, is already tight for one person" said Harry "plus, Louis is gay, they sure thought wrong!"

"That's not all..." Gemma whispered.

"What else is there now?" cried Harry. Gemma didn't answer and scratched the back of her neck "Gemma, speak"

Gemma looked at her brother and sighed "while you 'were in the shower', mum and Mark rummaged in your room"

"And what's the matter? I don't have anything incriminating in here," said Harry. Gemma looked at Louis, and the latter grunted, continuing to cover his face "Louis?"

"I want to die," said the older.
"What could they find that is that bad?" Harry asked.

Louis sighed and sat up, then stood up. He went to his bedside table, opened the drawer and grunted, sitting back down "and shitty figure number three reached too"

"Can you explain to me too please?" He asked, looking at his sister and Louis, not understanding what was going on. "What did you have in your drawer?"

Louis snorted and looked at Harry "the condoms" he replied. "Did they find those?" He then asked looking at Gemma, and she nodded "at least they didn't find anything else"

Harry closed his eyes and was silent for a few seconds, then reopened them and watched Louis "Are you telling me that mum found some condoms in our room right after Gemma told her we were taking a shower together?" He asked almost hysterically, and Louis nodded embarrassed "what kinf of a genius are you that you leave condoms in your nightstand drawer!"

"I didn't expect they would check, don't blame me!" shouted Louis.

"I haven't finished yet" Gemma said then.

"Please tell me they didn't find anything else, or I might just bury myself now," Louis cried.

"What else could they have found?" Harry asked looking towards Louis.

"I told you the first day I came here," Louis replied.

Harry frowned and tried to remember, when the realization hit him and he opened his mouth in shock "I thought you were joking!"

"I never joke about that Harold," Louis exclaimed earnestly, looking Harry straight in his eyes.

Gemma looked at the two with a frown on her face, "I don't know about what you two are talking about, and I don't want to know" she exclaimed "And by the way it has nothing to do with what you were saying. They found nothing else. They just asked me to tell you to come down for breakfast"

"I'm not coming down, say that I'm dead," said Louis.

"No, if I go down you go down too," Harry said, getting off the bed and walking over to Louis'.

The younger took Louis by the legs and carried him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Hey, leave me, put me down," Louis said fidgeting.

Harry laughed and shook his head. The minor turned his head to the side and froze for a few seconds looking at Louis' butt, when he shook his head and forced himself to look away. When he looked at Gemma, her sister was looking at him with a knowing smirk on her face, and her eyebrows kept rising and falling. Harry rolled his eyes and started walking towards the bedroom door, trying to hide his embarrassment at being caught staring at Louis' butt.

The older kept moving and fidgeting, "Harry put me down" he kept saying.

Harry didn't put him down whatsoever, and was about to walk out the door, when "where are you going?" Gemma asked, making them stop.

Harry spun around in confusion, banging Louis' head against the wall, making him moan in pain "sorry" Harry said "you told us we have to go downstairs" he then said to his sister.

"Yes, but maybe put something on, right?" Rhetorically asked Gemma, pointing to their bodies, still in their underwear, "after all this mess, do you want to go down in your underwear?"

Harry nodded in agreement "here, are you leaving me now or do you want to dress me as well?" Said the shorter sarcastically.

The hedgehog rolled his eyes and let go of Louis "better?"

"Very" Louis answered, starting to get dressed.

After both were dressed, frightened, they went down the stairs and entered the kitchen, where their parents were already sitting at the table, waiting for them.

Harry went after Louis, put his hands on his hips and dragged him in front of his figure, so as to cover him, then push him, trying to get him in first."Harry," Louis moaned, turning, making Harry the one ahead now, and pushed him forward.

 Harry nearly fell, and walked into the kitchen, followed by Louis and Gemma.

The three of them sat down at the table, watched by their parents, without saying a word. At the table were some cereals, biscuits and milk.

Harry, Louis and Gemma ate the whole time in silence, same for Mark and Anne. They should have beem happy that Anne and Mark didn't say anything, but that only scared them more.

They finished breakfast quickly, and "we're going to get ready for school," Harry said, standing up, ready to leave.

But "Sit down Harry, Mark and I here we would like to talk to you and Louis about something" Anne said, forcing Harry to sigh in frustration, and sit back down.

Well... shit

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