You want the truth? Fine!

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Kayla called the taxi, gave the driver the address and leaned back on the seat. She felt exhausted and furious, even though she couldn't express that fury. It just burned inside of her, and she nurtured it until Dominic crosses her sight again. The taxi stopped in front of the building, and she paid the driver and slowly walked into RIMA. Michelle saw her and quickly stood up but not to show her respect, as Kayla had expected.

"Dominic is in a meeting, you can't go in."

"That's a very lame lie, you'll have to think of a better one, my dear. Now get out of my way."

"I would prefer if you didn't talk to me that way. As an employee of this company I deserve respect."

"That's right. You're an employee. Nothing more. Now move!"

"I am also Dominic's friend. Close friend."

"Where on Earth did he find you, is what I would like to know. Back off and let me through."

Michelle let her pass and pressed the button on her table. Kayla didn't notice it. She stomped down the hallway with only one intention - to sort things out. She walked into his office and closed the door with a bang.

"Kayla. What a surprise," Dominic said lazily, eating a sandwich with his feet on the table.

"You are such a pig!"

"Why is that, exactly? My feet are clean, I have no shoes on and on top of that, that's my desk and my office."

"Where the hell have you been?"

"At work, if it's not obvious."

"Don't play with me, Dominic. Where have you been sleeping for the past two nights?"

"At my friend's. Mike. You know him."

"That lazy ass son of a..."

"Don't you dare talk about him like that. He's my brother."

"I don't understand how you can call him that. He's a lowlife with...."

"Get out!!!!" He abruptly stood up.

"I am not leaving unless you're coming with me. I want you to come home, Dominic! Now."

"I'll come home when I'm ready. I'm still not ready, and the sooner you get to grips with it, the better. There is nothing you can do to make me change my mind. Besides, I've filed for a divorce, remember? Very soon this will be your reality, except then you won't be able to demand from me to bow to you, because you're not that important to me any more. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I will never let you go, Dominic. Ever."

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see."

"Who is she, Dominic?" She breathed out in exasperation.

"Who is who?"

He looked at her too calmly for her taste.

"I know you're cheating on me. Who is she?"

"I'm not cheating on you. I'm not like you."

"I'm not cheating...."

"Yes you are, Kayla! Do you really think I'm that stupid that I don't see the signs? The scent of him all over you, the way you're taking your calls outside, worryingly looking in? The way you escape me in the night, when I want to hug you? I am sick of you pretending like nothing is going on."

"You're being ridiculous." Her voice stammered and his eyebrow raised.

"Am I really?"


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