The mention of Bella's name brought a smile to my face, and I glanced at Alex, who chimed in with his own playful comment. "This is a good idea," Alex remarked, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Maybe she'll start liking you then," he teased.

"I'll do anything, even if it means bending in front of her, to win her heart," I declared, his determination shining through.

I realized it was time to depart. "It's getting late, we should head out now," I announced, prompting everyone to start moving toward the carriage.

As we began our journey, I couldn't help but notice that Bella seemed lost in thought, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. Concerned, I turned to her, gently asking, "Love, is something bothering you?"

Bella hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice soft and distant. "No, it's nothing," she replied, her eyes still focused outside.

Seeking to lighten the mood, I attempted to engage her in conversation. "Do you want anything in particular for your wedding?" I asked, hoping to spark a discussion. "You can tell me, and I will arrange it for you."

"No," she murmured. What can I do to get her to talk with me?

"Okay, tell me what you like!" I implored, making a concerted effort to engage her. Finally, she looked at me, her gaze wary.

"In what?" she queried, her voice soft.

"Let's start with something simple," I suggested, trying to ease the tension. "Your favorite color, perhaps?"

"I like red and blue," she replied tentatively, "and you?"

"We should kill someone and give her their blood since she likes the color red," my wolf suggested, its voice insistent.

"Stupid," I chided mentally, shaking off the disturbing idea. "She'll probably pass out upon seeing it."

"Just saying," the wolf retorted.

"I like black," I stated, refocusing on the conversation and trying to lighten the mood.

"What about your favorite food?" I probed, hoping to keep the conversation going.

"I like cake so much," she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with genuine excitement.

"Why didn't you say this to me earlier? I would have told the maids to make it for you," I offered, genuinely amused by her enthusiasm.

"My father gave me strict instructions not to eat it because I got a tooth problem from eating it every day," she explained with a hint of sadness.

"Good thing he did," I mused, making a mental note to remember this detail about her.

"What food do you enjoy eating?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

I hesitated, unsure of how she would react to my darker cravings. "Human heart," I blurted out before I could stop myself, immediately regretting my choice of words. I turned to face her, expecting fear and revulsion in her gaze.

To my surprise, fear was indeed visible in her eyes. "I just meant to tease you, so don't be afraid," I reassured her quickly, realizing how unsettling my comment must have sounded.

"Wow, you really need to stop talking", my wolf said, clearly unimpressed with my latest comment.

"I don't know why I said that," I replied, feeling a pang of regret.

"You're so stupid that you've ruined a great opportunity," my wolf spat back, his voice dripping with disdain.

"It's time to talk about something else, love. Tell me about your kingdom," she said, her tone soft and soothing.

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