Cherry Pt. 2

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I still can't believe Cacti run off like that. We all missed Crystal but that was a lame excuse to get away. Slowly I stood up and walked to the hospital ward in search of Enoki. 

However, when I entered the nurses quickly said, "Prince Enoki of the Undergrove is currently not accepting visitors after what happened with the last one." They shut the door before I could even say what I was there for. A bit rude if you ask me.

The only plan I had was to head to Mezalia and find everyone else but they found me first. Wilder, Ruby, and Coral came at me like a speeding horse. Coral had obvious tear stains and Ruby's face was angry.

"Cacti?" Wilder asked. I shook my head. That seemed to get the message across. We all stood in a circle of silence for a few tense moments. Then Coral sniffled her nose and we all broke into seriousness.

"Cacti will have gone for wherever Evil Scott went. Probably the mountains." Ruby said.

Wilder then said, "And we need to get our friends out from the other dimension."

I butted in. "As well as gather our parents to find and fight Evil Scott. Cacti is powerful but even I don't think he can fight him." I didn't notice it but Coral had left our circle and was walking to a  river nearby. I jogged after her.

"Hey Coral," I said.

"Go away."

"No. I've been your friend for 16 years of my life. I know when something's upsetting you. So spill  it."

"Fine," she huffed. "Everyone has a purpose here. Ruby and Wilder can make a portal, Ares can kill frost giants with his mind, Tiger can shapeshift, heck it Dawn can grow plants large enough to strangle an empire. Hiding with all these powerful... gods, I just feel useless. The only power I have is to make water float, but even that has a timer." She pulled out a blue orb, the size of a marble. "This is where all my powers come from. And the best part is that it works on anyone. If you were to eat it you could breathe underwater and do all that cool fish stuff. Which makes me feel useless."

"Coral, why would you ever think that. You killed that frost giant with lava, faster than Ares could ever. You give Meza all her courage, no matter what she says. You may not be the most powerful in battle but you're an amazingly powerful friend." (A/N literally dying from the cringe.)

"But," she started, "That still won't change the fact at hand."

Another thought came to my mind. "Take away the staff Wilder and Ruby are just another human like you. Take away Crystal's blessing from Aeor you're left with a normal elf. If you take away everything about these people they'll be left just like all the people around us. Farmers and ranchers, doctors and nurses, bakers and traders. You are different from the rest. You don't represent the wither roses of the Grimlands or the wild animals of the Lost Empire. You are the people."

Coral wiped a couple tears from her eyes. She slowly started back to Wilder and Ruby, who were bickering. Cherry followed. Her feet kicked at the pebbles on the road as she walked over. She knew time was limited but was still very tired. They'd been spending an entire day chasing air.

"I'll go to the portals. I can light them and you're better with people," Wilder said to Ruby.

Ruby huffed. "I'm better at lighting them. As far as I know, you haven't lighten a single one. And that's a lie. You're way better with the people than I am."

I stuck my hand out to intervene. "Ruby, we aren't mind readers but we all know of your crush. So go there." She needed no further warning as I turned to Wilder and said, "You're a tracker right? So track down Cacti and if you can, stop him from being too stupid. Coral and I will help the people."

"You're getting good at this leader thing," Wilder replied as he rocketed into the air and followed in the direction Cacti had gone. At that moment Lord Sausage came around the corner. 

"Have you seen Wilder?" He asked. 

"He just left,"Coral said, "But we could use some help settling the Pixandrians in for now." Lord Sausage smiled. He walked away and whistled loudly, so loudly that the nearby people and I had to cover our ears. 

After his incredibly long whistle every citizen turned to their leader. "Citizens of Mythland," he yelled, "Our dear friends the Pixandrians are in need of our help. If you could spare your time would you please offer them anything that you can spare that they need."

Immediately citizens started to obey. Several shop owners brought out their products, mostly food and clothes. Some brought out pots and jewelry. A few even brought out bedding.

I watched in amazement as the citizens of Mythland obeyed and I knew I'd someday be a leader like that.


Author's Note: Word count: 835. Ignore the ending. I've had this finished except for the ending for several months. Glad I got it out

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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