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Hey guys I skipped a but but I'm trying to get to a good part stay tuned please.
So far college is going good. I'm half way about now. it's soon christmas we have a 2 week break during it.
Starting next week. I have tones of presants wrapped. today's that last day till Christmas break. I'm very excited, today Jenna is buying my presant she said that I will love it. tbh I love anything, it's the thought that counts. Dawson came over today and hung out with Jenna and watched Netflix all day. I didn't tho I went to the actual movies with Matthew. Popcorn,pop, and sour skittles. it was fun I came home to a nice clean house but jenna was in her room with the door locked???? I don't think much of it because I lock my room when I leave just so no one cam come in. just incase friends come over and go in the key is on my key ring bracelet and necklace. plus I'm getting a ring done. I don't think much of it because I do that it I'm in my room to but not when I'm the only one in the house.
Max know is on the door me and him r still pretty close. were still good buddies so he comes over sometimes and watches movies we watched to wish in a wishing well. it was fab at one point I fell asleep on the couch mad he snuggled close. I got up and told him no Becusse nettles was my boyfriend he understood.
Jenna came out then and dawson seen me and ran something was up max left to. do jen what was all that bout. lets hair say we're closer and I think im ready. 😑 what does that mean. "I know this is going sound werid Beaucause were just about out of college this is the last year. and I'm pregnant."
"Ya I'm happy to be done and what congrats but please tell me that it wasent here was it"
"No it was at Dawson's for my bday"
"Oh nice I'm waiting till I'm married it's better that way then"
And that was the last that we Spook of that" a couple days before Christmas she said that she was having triplets.

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