New girl

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Today there was a new girl hart name is Ashlynn. she seems really nice, already the biggest player in school dawson asked her if she wants to go to a movie with him tonight. Omg I kinda feel bad for her.
Later that day I run into her in the hall.
"Excuse me, do you know where health is at " Ashlynn
"I'm actually on my way there I'm liv btw" I say
"My name is Ashlynn but you can call me ash or Ashley" she said
" Alright I say I'll call you ash" I say
"Ya for sure" ash said
"Alright we should be friends, omg I forgot about class common quick or we'll be late" I said
We run for class. we get in the room and the last bells rings. we made it on time.

During the day me and ash got to be closer and closer.
"Do u wanna come over after school" i ask ash
"Um sure but I will have to go home and ask my mom first" ash said
On the way home me and ash sat toghther. we talked about old friends, new friends and how her first day went********************************
Over the weeks we got to be closer and closer and if you saw us together you would almost think that we were friends for forever. or maybe even sisters.
Of course I still had my other friends se sort of just joined us in our club sort of thing. Ashlynn's birthday was coming up and I wanted to plan something special for her and I new just what to do.
We can plan a pool party then go to her Fav resteraunt afterwards.
Get ready to party I tell her.

The one I foundDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora