Happy late birthday

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Today was my first day back to school since my birthday. I was excited because not only will eveyone know that me and Ayden are a couple but that I'm 18. schools gonna be totally over soon. I can't wait for prom. I have college after that which I'm gonna be a teacher.
When I get to school everything seems so much more pumped up instead of glum considering that it's school.
I walk to my locker. I trip on my new heels which I incredibly love. I know I'm gonna hit my head but don't have time to stop myself. out of know where Ayden catches me. and now it all starts With me tripping.
"Thanks" I say
"No prob happy birthday babe" Ayden says.
I walk over to my locker Wich has stickers and balloons attached saying happy birthday liv 😘.
It was incredible. everyone really care.when I get to class I walk in and everyone has presants then starts singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LIV HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. The teacher has a cake I can tell that heather made it with touches from jenna.
I blow the candels and make a wish i wish that there was no school today and to haw an awesome Day. well I guess that worked out because the fire alarm when off and the sprinklers turned on. "Omg guys I wish to have to school maybe we won't" I say
The rain ruined the cake :( but that's ok the though counts. we had the cake to close to the fire alarm. we were evacuated and when they turned off. we were out there long.we went after 30 min we could go back in get out stuff and go home. happy late birthday to me.
Wishes really do come true.

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