Serkan took his bowl without a word. Eda went as far from him as she could in the limited space of the cabin. They ate in silence. They both waited for an hour if the other one snapped first. It was the longest time since they hadn't spoken or screamed at each other. And they both preferred to shout than not talk at all. Eda finally broke their torture. "Can you turn on the radio? I want to get out of here."

Serkan got up from his seat and approached the small cabinet with the electrical devices. "Battery is almost full now. It should work." He tried to turn it on, but it was dead. "It's probably damaged."

Eda just shrugged her shoulders. "So that means your super safe cabins aren't so bulletproof after all."

Serkan went to the heating system and powered it up. It worked without a glitch. He turned the lights on and gave her a triumphal smirk. "The solar system is bulletproof."

But Eda didn't pick up the fight. She didn't even look at him. She took a couple of books and buried herself under the blankets pretending that Serkan doesn't exist, and he hated it with his whole being because her indifference was worst to him than her jabs or unfair accusations.

It reminded him of the two weeks he didn't see her, which were the worst days of his life.

* * *

Istanbul, four weeks ago...

"Serkan abi, pick up your phone. I know you are there. I am really worried about you." Serkan heard worried Engin's voice on his voicemail. "I know you are not sick. Come back to work. You will get better here. You can not hide forever. Tomorrow you have to go out anyways, as you are starting the biggest collaboration with..." Serkan hung off his phone and threw it across the room.

He knew he had to go out soon, but didn't want to, exactly because of the worried gazes he expected from his friends and employees after he locked himself in his house for two weeks.

He jumped, surprised at the sound of the doorbell, and when he turned, he clenched his jaw in irritation at the sight of an unwanted guest.

"Serkan, open your door!"

Serkan closed his eyes, praying for patience, and stopped in front of the door. "What do you want, Selin?"

"I came to check on you." Selin answered, watching Serkan. He looked angry but opened the door.

"Leave me alone." Serkan's voice was dry as always, but it never stopped Selin before. Why now would be different, she thought. "Serkan, I know something isn't right with you. You can tell me. I'm your oldest friend."

"I'm sick."

Serkan's phone started buzzing, and he averted his head. Selin used this occasion to quickly enter inside, not waiting for his invitation. She sat on the couch and turned to him. "Serkan, please. Talk to me. I can listen."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He stood in front of her with his arms crossed on his chest.

Selin looked around. She saw a carton box standing next to the coffee table. When she tried to make sense of its content, she suddenly saw something sparkling in the light on the floor. It was a huge pink diamond ring in the shape of a flower. Selin eyes narrowed with hate.

He bought a ring for her!

"Are you here for the work? If yes, I'm on leave until tomorrow. Whatever it is, it can wait. If you came commenting on my private life, you can.."

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