Chamber of Secrets

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Echo POV

"I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program. We are gonna train earlier, harder, and longer." Wood started as we looked into the quad seeing the Slytherin team seemingly ready for practice, "What- I don't believe it! Where do you think you're goin', Flint? Quidditch practice. I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today."

"Easy, Wood. I've got a note." Flint speaks looking at me a little scared probably thanks to our game last year which he conveniently doesn't remember as Hermione and Ron approach.

"Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker. You've got a new Seeker. Who?" Suddenly Draco walks between the team revealing himself with an ugly ass smirk.


"That's right. And that's not all that new this year." He speaks showing off his broom along with the brooms of the entire Slytherin team.

"Those are Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones! How did you get those?" Ron exclaims being the Quidditch nerd he is.

"A gift from Draco's father." Flint smugly spoke as I cross my arms watching the scene unfold.

"You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best." Draco voices as I mock him silently causing Harry to stifle a laugh.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got it on pure talent." Hermione retorts to the ferret who turns to her in absolute disgust.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!" In less than a second my fist collided with the boy's jaw and another with his eye as Fred, George, Wood, Harry and the rest of the Gryffindor team struggled to hold me back.

"Come on! No one will miss that snake!" I call out really wanting to hurt him only for Ron to try and curse the ferret causing his broken wand to backfire hitting himself with it instead. I freeze looking at my friend before glaring at the laughing Slytherin's instantly causing them to quiet down before heading over to Ron not failing to notice the dark bruises where I hit him.

"You okay, Ron? Say something!" Hermione panics only for him to vomit out a slug grossing everyone out except for Collin who wanted a photo of the thing.

"Can you turn him around, Harry?"

"No, Colin! Get out of the way! Let's take him to Hagrid's. He'll know what to do." I help up Ron who pukes up another slug almost on me causing me to reel away.

"Vomit one of those on me your walking alone." I threaten before helping him to Hagrid's hut having a lot more close calls resulting in me yelling at Ron and the other two to sorta just let whatever happens happen.

We finally arrive surprising the gentle giant, "Oh, this calls for a specialist's equipment. Nothin' to do but wait'll it stops, I'm afraid." Hagrid tells us handing Ron a bucket as we all enter and take a seat.

"Better out than in. Who's Ron tryin' to curse, anyway?"

"Malfoy. He called Hermione, um, well, I don't- I don't know exactly what it means." Harry starts looking to me for help but Hermione piped up before I could.

"He called me a Mudblood."

"He did not!"

"What's a Mudblood?"

"Uh, It means dirty blood," I tell the clueless boy not knowing too much about the subject myself but knowing it was very offensive for muggle-borns.

"Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who is Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation." Hermione continues her voice breaking slightly.

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