I reach in front of the school gate as the children walked out. I even gave him the little honk of my scooter and he rolls his eyes, putting the hood of hoodie on his head to hide from his friends. He found it embarrassing to leave and arrive in a scooter but I can't help and make fun of him either.

I ask, "How was your day?" He sits behind me and wraps his arms around my stomach, leaning his head on my shoulder blade, "Can we do this when we're out of sight? It's embarrassing, Daisy!" I snort, "We arrive and leave on the cutest pink scooter in all of America and you're embarrassed?" I always made fun of my baby pink scooter with strawberry stickers all over it. Got it online from this teenager who was obsessed with pink two years ago, but this scooter made my life easier. And it was cheap too.

I rotate the handle to make the cutest vroom sound that has Kevin even more embarrassed as he says, hiding his face, "I hate you." I laugh and pull out, going straight home.

I reach home. Bobby's home. He and his wife took care of Kevin for me while I had to stay at the dorm with other girls. It was the rule. A stripper can't have her place and she can't have her own space. And I didn't want Kevin to stay with me or even talk to me about what I work as. He understands that what I'm doing is necessary for us but doesn't talk much about it and I like it that way.

He gets off and I pull his hood back and ruffle his hair, "Look at you, all grown up. It's like yesterday you were just a baby." He makes a face, "Not again, Daisy. I'm fifteen." I shrug, "I don't care." My little brother was the cutest with his short blonde hair, and every now and then his voice cracked.

He's quiet for a second but then he says, "There's a little job opening in the ice cream place at the end of the street. They're offering good bucks for it." I shake my head "No. I told you, you don't need to work. I'm taking care of the money, you focus on getting a scholarship to NYU for law." I ruffle his hair again, "Use that big science brain of yours for studies and staying out of trouble. That's all." His lips set in a thin line just like our mother whenever she was irritated by me, but I smile no matter what.

He sighs, "At least come and stay with me." I shake my head, "I'm already indebted to Bobby and Jenny, I can't give them more stress. You know how much I hate debts, they took you in and I couldn't be more grateful to them." He swallows and huffs, "Fine." Very irritated. I grab his jaw and pull his face to leave a kiss between his brows, "Go home. Study. Give Jenny my love. I'll call you at night after I go to my room."
I take out the envelope from my bag and put two hindered dollars in his hand, "For the week. Remember the thirty-three rule?" He rolls his eyes, "You ask me that every week."

"Yes, because I need to know if you still remember it correctly."

He sighs, "thirty-three percent for spending on needs, thirty-three percent for saving, and thirty-three percent for spending on fun. See? I remember." I chuckle and throw him an air kiss and pull out of the driveway, driving directly back to the club after getting a little bit of groceries for the week.

I get back to work, and get back into my tiny jeweled shirt with daisies on each ass, ready to hustle, but as I'm about to pick my man for the night, Marcelo approaches me with a smile, "Boss, wants to see you."
I raise my brow, "Tell him that I'm busy." He warns, "Daisy, get your ass up the stairs." I roll my eyes and quietly let his warning sink in, making my way up the stairs in my 8-inch heels.

I knock on the door and wait outside for the boss to call me in. I hear a come in and I walk inside.
Boss was still the same except for the fact he had white hair growing out from his sideburns and it did give him a sexier look. I hated him. To my fucking core.

He smiles at me and leans back in his chair, "Baby, I see you have some pretty satisfied customers." I made a fake smile, "I'm always good at my job. You know that." He likes the way I challenge him and I hate his fucking grin. He says, "I heard you try to earn extra behind my back. We're partners, baby, I like my cut." I raise my brow at him, "Obsessed much with me?" He scoffs, "I was always obsessed with you. Don't even deny it for a second."

His eyes go down my chest and then my stomach and legs. His gaze never fazes me anymore and it never will. He can look all he want because he knows he can't touch any girl in this club. This could cost shit in his business and he loves the money we bring in for him.

He says, "Extra bucks to touch you, huh?" His eyes go past me to Marcelo who I could feel smiling as he looks down at me.
I shrug, "I always pay you extra ten dollars every month because of that."

"How much do you ask for?"

"Two thousand to see my boobs privately. Six thousand to touch them." And I smile wider, "Half a million for a blowjob."

He laughs out loud and asks, "And how many of them paid you half a million?" I sigh, "All these rich bastards are cheap in ways you can't imagine." He looks at the ceiling, trying to control his smile. I look back at Marcelo and then at him, "Is that all you wanted to know? Can I go now?" His tongue pokes in his cheek and then he nods calmly. I roll my eyes but before I could walk out, he says, "Candy was sold today. Someone wanted her and I let them have her." I took in a breath, never letting him know it affected me. But he continues, "Gave her the share of her money. 50K to be exact." Then there's a pause, "And sometimes I wonder if someone will take you. It's a shame you can't have the money."

"Is that all you wanted to say?"

"Yes. Satisfy the customers today, Daisy."

I took another breath and walked out.

This club had two types of strippers, the first one was the girls who came here willingly. Zane approached them and they were ready to work and walk out of their shitty lives. Some did it to escape poverty and some did it to escape their family. The second one was the girls who were here against their will. And ironically enough, I was the only one in the second category.

The girls that were here willingly, got 50K if someone buys them. That 50K is protection for them and it's their own money. It was Zane's way to ensure their safety as well as his gratitude for serving his club for years. But me... if someone comes for me, I won't get that money. I won't have protection and I won't be able to beg Zane to take me back. Once I'm sold, I'm sold. That's my biggest fear. And I won't let it happen the second time.

Candy is... was my best friend. She helped me through things when I was brought here first. She helped me with Kevin, she helped me find him a home with Bobby and she helped me accept myself and create a bulletproof personality.

According to Zane, "Business is business, darling. Business above sex and drugs- that is my motto."

If someone ever comes for me, I will bite their head off and make their lives miserable.

♤ ♤ ♤ ♤ ♤

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