The promise

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“It is Maaz” all faces snapped towards the source of the hushed voice that came from a distance.

There stood Shanvi leaning on the railing of staircase to support her weak self.
"How come you know him?" Hafid inquired approaching her.

"Who you really are?" she countered, completely ignoring his question. Her blazing eyes determined to get an answer, unable to process all that had happened to her just a few hours before.

"Why do I always feel like something is missing?" Her hazel orbs focused on his dark ones as she took slow steps towards him, ignoring all the grazes.

"Trust me, you should stay out of this!" Hafid handed out a warning.

"I would have if I hadn't been dragged," she snapped at him.

Noor's lips parted in an audible gasp as she observed the bravery of this girl. The others did the same, standing there with their mouths gaping.

“Just respond to my query, okay?” Hafid waved his index finger in the air and hissed in a dead serious manner. "How come you know about him?"

Repressing her rage, she responded "The attacker identified himself as Maaz." turning her head to the left, avoiding his eye contact because she didn't really want to talk to him.

“You saw him?” His eyebrow shot up in bewilderment.

“Strangely,……” Hamza continued from behind, "Nobody knows how he looks!

"Do you recall his face?" Hafid interrogated with narrowed eyes.

“It was dark, goddammit” she yelled, her eyes bloodshot and bulging.

Her in-law’s not accepting her, treating her badly day by day, she feels like an outcast, knows nothing about these people, sometimes she doubts herself why she even married, somehow when she was trying to manage everything a guy almost killed her, and after all this shit HE was worried about who that guy was and not HER. WHY?  Did he asked was she fine or not? NO.

He seized her arm and hauled her inside their room, stating, "I need some more answers."

"Leave me!" She shouted.
All of her yelling was ineffective as he locked the door.

He whirled back to face her and asked as calmly as he could, "What happened in the store house?"

"I told you what really mattered to you.", ignoring him completely, she turned around and headed towards the bed.

Taking hold of her arm, he forced her to turn around and face him. "Shanvi, don't act childish, I need to hear every single detail." He is not used to being ignored, so when she ignores him, he feels his blood boil.

She hissed, pushing his chest, "Leave me!"
Grasping her other arm he pulled her closer decreasing the distance between them and muttered, "I won't," with the same fervour as hers, “My patience has limits, don’t test me little wife…..”

Her jaw clenched in an effort to escape his hold. She turned her head away from him but his dark eyes remained transfixed on her. He clutched her arms harder the more she fought to break free.

"Look at me!" he ordered, just to have her insult him again.

“I SAID LOOK AT ME!" Her heart pounded wildly when he exploded forcing her to shift her gaze at him right away. Now, fear was palpitating throughout her entire body. She made a valiant effort to maintain eye contact, but her eyes glistened.

He cupped her cheeks and requested, as gently as he could, "Now tell me." Yet all it brought a lump in her throat.

Getting off him, she made her way over to the balcony. He stood behind her, while she held the railing.

When she thought back on the horrible event, the tears she was attempting to hold back started to fall down her cheeks.
She got his attention when a sob left her mouth.

"Shhhh …" He nudged her in his direction before squeezing her into a brutal hug.

"I don't want to talk about it, Hafid please.” she bursted into tears when he clasped her tightly in his arms. Taking in the comfort of his embrace, calmness and relaxation ran throughout her body, she gave in the hug, the warm hug she needed all this time.

“Okay, fine. Just stop crying.” He soothed her by gently massaging her hair. Even though he desperately wanted to know what had happened, he restrained himself while he awaited the appropriate moment.

She sobbed bitterly and complained crying her heart out, "You should have been there.”

"I promise I will never leave you," he assured as he ran his hand down her back.
"I want to know, Hafid." She parted the hug, held his biceps, and lifted her face to gaze into his dark orbs.

"What..." he asked, wiping her tears away with his thumb.

"Who is Maaz?" she inquired.

"It's one of our enemies," he kept wiping her tears away.

"And?" she inquired, eager to learn more about him.

"And he has been plotting against my family for quite some time. I'm afraid now because he knows about you."

"I never want to endanger you because of me."

"I will always protect you from all bad happenings."

But, he had no idea that he would be the one to put her through hardships despite his assurances of his protection.


Hello lovely readers!
I know the updates are really slow, but i will complete my story, i will never hang you guys in between....
How's the update? Do share your thoughts

Also we are almost a 10k family now🙈

ankittaaaa This one is for you! ❤️✨

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