Our Mark

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(John's P.O.V.)
After they tried to shoot Lucas after they got too excited to try and kill him, I had to step in...
I stood out of my cover aiming my rifle at the others, and they aimed it back at me...
"You are going to pay for that human!"
"You have no idea who you're messing with! Do you!?" I said as I dropped back in my spot again as bullets flew to me...
'Good, if we continue like in the plan, we'll win... now you'll know OUR CONTRY'S WRATH!'

20 minutes before this...

Lucas and Nick were beating a bunch of small metal containers with baseball bats just to make noise and attract others, and it worked like we wanted...
We managed to make the speakers work and power them, I'm just worried about our strategy, since the anthros are closing in...
"Okay, Sam remind me what are we doing hermano?" I asked...
"You going with Nick's loco plan?" He simply remarked...
"No heres loco cobarde!" We heard Nick yelling across the mall...
"So Nick's idea is to put them in the second floor, near where you sleeps, and so we ambush them by planting us in different spots near that location, and after you lure them in this area, we try to... *sigh* reason with them..." Sam said with a heavy breath while I got angry...
There was a silence, nobody on the mall moved....
"Look, yo sabe... You don't like them, I don't like them, but if we can avoid killing them and not provoking, than we can save more time for our city..."
" *sigh* I still say we should kill them all, they..."
"I know John, I've seen them too... Stay sturdy, once this is all over we can have our peace of mind..."
"Alright then..."
"Okay, but how do we lure them in? They shoot us as soon as they see us..." Lucas said as he came to us...
"That's why I am repairing this!" Phil replied as he got back to work...
"A mall guide? Really? Aren't they kinda useless?"
"To us, yes, but not outsiders..."
"So we lure them here, and 'negotiate' with them... And if negotiations burn down?" Khan asked as he also joined the huddle...
"You should already know that answer..." I said as reached for my pistol


(No One's P.O.V.)
As John laid against the floor waiting for the right time to strike back, as for the others, Khan came out his spot and started shooting and managed to kill the Eagle...
"Shait!" The Fennec yelled as he started to retreat with his remaining squad members as they backed up...
However they forgot where Lucas was and as soon as Jainen was in line of fire, Lucas fired an entire clip onto of the Fennec as he backed up and fell off the rails...
"Burn in hell humans!" Xaile said as she went inside a store in the first level and hid behind as Vaxxil tried to follow her, but only for Phillip to fall onto of him and fire his point blanc on his head as he falls dead...
Xaile breathed heavily as she didn't know what to do...
She looked to see if Phillip was still there, only to find that Phillip, Lucas and Khan were standing there, she pulled out her rifle and as she was about to press the trigger, she hear 2 guns reloading behind her...
"Peekaboo animale..." Samuel said as he and Nick fired at the Jackal watching her drop dead...
"Whew! What a stress generator..."
"Yeah aside from the fact were rusty..." Phillip said joining Samuel on top of his kill as the others did the same...

(Khan's P.O.V.)
Something feels wrong, not that we did bad by killing them, but wrong as in something is not right in this scenario...
"Well boys, we should report this to the Captain, I think he might be proud of us..."
"For killing them yes, for us going A-wall from command than no..."
"Yeah, I don't think he'll like that 6 Privates went to a secret mission..."
"Ruin, how many anthros did you count?"
"I counted 6, the shark-"
"My kill."
"The fennec-"
"That one was mine!"
"The wolf was Visage's kill, the jackal was my and Copper's kill, the eagle was yours and the- MIERDA! The cobra! Where is it?!"
"Wait she managed to escape?!"
"Spread, find her before she can get away!"
We all ran in different directions of the mall to just spread...
We all knew where the cobra was so, when we were out of sight we heard steps going for the entrance, and so once she left we came out off hiding...
"Remind me, why did we let her get away? I thought the plan was to kill them all if negotiations broke down..."
"It was the original idea, but that gave another idea, if we make them believe our numbers are greater, than they'll send more troops and the more we kill, the more they fear us..."
"Not a bad plan, but we will need ammo for all of that, we're already about a quarter through the ammo we got from the crates, sooner or later, we'll get in a big fire fight and then ciao ciao to our lives..."
"We'll worry about that when our ammo get to half, now let's move, this place is no longer safe..."
"Where do you think we'll go? The site is locked, going to Pueblo del Este is too risky, the Observatory is too exposed, where do you want to go?"
"To the Quarry."
"Won't they have that on lockdown?"
"No because they we led them there, and since our activities changed, they should pull out..."
"Let's hope..."
"I'll get the truck started-"
"No, we're walking, if we start another ruckus like here, then we're going to be exhausted before we even get to the Quarry, now, let's get only what we need and get out of here..."
"Alright, fine..."
We all went to our own stores to get our things, I head to the second floor and to the store I hid, it was a Tai-chi training with a few Asian based instruments, the reason I chose this place was because when my dad was still alive, we came to this same place to train, since my body was messed up from when I was little, dad thought it would be a better idea to "improve my flow of energy", and he was right, it greatly improved my health and body, and thanks to that I could fight and serve, I went to a corner I barricaded and hid, and started to pack my bags, before I finished I found something, a photo of me my mom and my dad, I miss them terribly, but I know I will see them again one way or another...
I started to head downstairs and found the others ready...
"Finally! You sure took your time!"
"I was in a big store, I forgot where I put things..."
"Okay, pack it in, lets move before that snake comes back with friends!"
We started to move through the forest near the mall and towards the Quarry...

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