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(Sorry for not updating guys, I am a little slow on updates since things are a little difficult for me... So please try to be a little patient with me...)

(Samuel's P.O.V.)

I had a very hard time sleeping last night, not that what we did to try to create bed wasn't good, but the thing was that... I felt uneasy... we all separated ourselves throughout the mall so that it would be harder to find us, but I just could feel as if something ain't right...
I got up from my hidden bed and put on my gear, and got off from where I was hiding...
I went to the chow hall to meet the others...
Later I see Lucas, Phillip and Khan sitting down, eating food but Lucas having his face flat against the table...
"What's the matter with him?"
"He can't eat the rations..."
"Sabe como la comida que hacía el padre de Phil..."
"Hey, we tried to find something else, but surprise-surprise there was nothing!"
"Okay calm down, I know we're a little on edge after what happen in Pueblo del Este, but we need to get things together, after that encounter, I suspect that things will get tenser by the time we decide to make a plan..."
"Well what do you want to do Sam? We can't go out right now, without the cover of the night we're more exposed to bigger and more powerful version de esas malditas plagas, like Lions, Tigers, Wolfs, Eagles, and putos Beavers for all we know!"
"Firstly, Wolfs and Tigers are non-nocturnal, same goes for Lions and Eagles, and secondly, I'm almost pretty sure there are no Beaver anthros..."
"Oh yeah? How so?"
"Because estupido we've mainly seen predators, sure there may possibly be prey, but... we'll have to find out for ourselves..."
"Can we get back to the part where you said 'too late before making a plan' , what sort of plan do you want to do? The grenades blew up in the crash, we have no way to make a proper trap now..!"
"We have a way to make a trap, but not one that we can kill as much as we wanted to... Ugh! This would be so much better if our tactical engagement training was complete, then we could have an idea on what to do..."
"Yeah, it would be better if we did, but surprise, surprise! We only got about 65% of our entire training done!"
"Can you stop yelling? My head hurts from just eating this food..."
I looked at Lucas and saw that he really couldn't handle eating the rations...
"Lucas, stopping eating that and take a sip of water, and as for you two basta, arguing about what sort of animales there is in our country, now can you too settle down?"
"esta bien..."
"Okay then-.. Lucas stop eating it..."
"Yo sabe... but I'm hungry and this stuff tastes horrible..."
"Here..." I said as I handed an energy bar to him, which he proceeds to grab out of my hand and just gulp it down like it is nothing...
"You're welcome, now does anyone know what happen to Mr. Perv and Mr. Bird-view?"
"You rang?" I heard Nick and John walking down the stairs in the "Cloud Mattress" store...
"Onde estava? I was beginning to get worried..."
"Scouting out..."
"With the truck?! Estas loco!?"
Yeah, but with good reason... Turns out the anthros as we predicted, are on high alert, the area near the training site is completely locked down, we had to leave the car and go on foot..."
"And where did you leave it?"
"On the second floor of the parking lot..."
"You guys are driving me nuts you know that..."
"Calmate, we came up with a plan to get them to wake up and get off our home..."
I looked at them as they held maps on their hands, and I just put one hand up as I scratched the back of my head...
" *sigh* is it fool-proof?"
"Mostly, but we can make it work..."
"Oh Dios mío..."
"Okay but just listen..." Nick said as he rolled out two maps, being one for the first floor and for the second floor...

" Nick said as he rolled out two maps, being one for the first floor and for the second floor

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