short 9, part 4

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trigger warning for this chapter:

- death (hit by a truck)

- details of a crime scene

- trauma

Light taps came from behind her and above her head through the door. They seemed kind with good intentions, and she had no reason to question who may be on the other side.

"Nova?" a familiar voice opened conversation. Celine was acutely aware of the fact that Simon had knocked first, and his voice was obviously lighter. She was unaware if it was because he was speaking quieter than before, or if it was just because of the metal door that stood between the pair.

A few sighs and sniffles were audible on one side of the door, but Celine wasn't unaware if Simon could hear them too.

"Yes?" Celine finally responded.

"They, um, want you up in a meeting. About that missing girl's case."

Some shuffling was heard inside the office as Celine got up from the floor and reassembled herself in hopes that it would be less noticeable that she was crying if her hat was pulled down a bit more. Once the door opened, it was nobody but Celine standing on one side and Simon on the other. Celine's face was noticeably darker, but it might have just been the lack of light on one side of the room.

    "Sorry", Celine said, slightly struggling to adjust her mask to its correct position. It was on her face, but maybe it was the moisture of it that made it so uncomfortable to wear now. She wasn't even really sure what she was apologizing for anymore. "Did they not call you up as well?"

    "Well, no. they just wanted you to go up and talk about what you've gotten so far."

    "Then tell them I haven't gotten anything. Officer Grady still works here, correct?"

Simon paused a few moments, thinking before he gave a verbal response.

    "I recognize the name, I'm pretty sure he does. Why?"

    "Tell him I went home early. My stomach is bothering me, he'll understand."

The male's head tilted a bit to the side. "You're going home because you don't feel good?"

    "I said Officer Grady will understand."

    "Why won't I? Do you not trust me or something?"

    "If I didn't trust you i wouldn't be telling you to deliver this message. Now please get out of my way..."

"What is your problem with me?"

Interrupted again. Celine couldn't help but think as she began to fidget with her fingers beside her.

"I don't have one," she responded, gritting her teeth.

Simon couldn't help but think about the fact that nova's gaze had been towards the floor this entire time. Was she embarrassed by him or something? What had he done so wrong?

    "Obviously you do. You won't even look at me, and I don't know what the hell I did."

    "I'm really not dealing with this right now."

    "Then we can deal with it when you come back because your stomach ache is making you so grumpy."

    "Move, damnit!" her voice raised simultaneously with her head as she made eye contact with the man in front of her. Her eyes were red and a small patch of discolored skin was slightly visible before the rest of it disappeared below her mask.

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