short 5, part 3

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Celine's mind was racing and her hair was standing up. Her heart was sinking slowly into her stomach and she realized she didn't have enough time to sit and panic. Most people would refer to her as a dunce, or an idiot, or really any kind of degrading word or phrase to make her feel anything less than she was smarts wise; even her parents called her these things. If Celine could prove to herself right here and now that she wasn't anything negative that anyone had ever called her, maybe that would end her constant flow of tears every night before she went to bed.

Celine went into autopilot and she quickly, but quietly, shot up from her chair, dropping her pencil on the ground beside her desk in the meantime.  Her door was the very first door on the left once someone walked up the steps, the one across the hall from her was her bathroom, then down the hall on Celine's side was her parent's bedroom and opposite from that was her father's office. She started thinking about something, anything she could use as a weapon of some kind. She wouldn't be able to run quietly enough across the hallway to the bathroom to find anything, as whoever was in her house was at the bottom of the steps anyway. Celine settled for her heavy Chemistry textbook that was at the time laying in her flimsy cloth bookbag. It wasn't a sharp weapon like a knife, but it was blunt and it was heavy. Celine wasn't worried, she knew that blunt objects could cause just as much harm as sharp ones. If she hit any right spots, she could paralyze the intruder, or she could tear a ligament, or break a bone. Whatever happened, she was prepared to have to deal with it.

All of these actions and thoughts happened in only a matter of about 50 seconds. Celine wasn't going to waste anymore time. She was in shock that this was the position she currently stood in, but she wasn't going to be a 'stupid blonde' now. She got made fun enough about that anyway...

She raced out her bedroom door and stopped at the top of the staircase. Without skipping a beat, Celine used all of her strength to raise her textbook above her head and whip it down at whoever decided barging into this teenager's home was a good idea.

Before Celine could even process or take in the looks of who was standing at the bottom of the stairs, the book was no longer in her hands and she watched it flying down the steps and towards the front door directly at the bottom of said staircase.

"WOAH-!" a male voice suddenly screamed out, barely even a second before a large thud was heard as the heavy bonded paper hit a wall. Celine finally made eye contact with the stranger in her house, but to her shock, it wasn't a stranger at all. It was Redwood.

"Red?" Celine let out a small whimper of lasting panic with her words. She could recognize that shade of ginger on top of someone's head better than anyone else. "Redwood what the HELL are you doing?!" the teen began shouting now. Her French accent always came out more whenever she yelled, Red couldn't help but let his cheeks grow in temperature when he heard it, even seeing the situation they were in. But hey, at least he wasn't paralyzed, or have a torn ligament or a broken bone.

Redwood's back immediately straightened up and he was no longer in his awkward dodging position as Celine started racing down the stairs to get to him.

"I let myself in! I figured you wouldn't mind, and I didn't see your dad's car so I thought it would be okay with you!" The male responded, not quite meeting the volume of Celine's voice. He had nothing to shout about, so he wasn't going to shout at all. Now that he was looking back on the situation at hand, he remembered himself barely three minutes earlier standing outside the front door debating whether or not he should ring the doorbell. His original plan was to climb up to the girl's window like a cliché romance film he had seen on the television once, but he decided against that plan of action. He had a present with him after all.

Once Celine had gotten to the bottom of the stairs, Red put his arms out expectedly, assuming he was going to be receiving a hug. He did not. In fact, he didn't receive anything. Celine bent down and swiftly retrieved her textbook from the floor. The wall had indeed been dented, much to her expectancy and horror, but she could cover it before her parents arrived home...hopefully. However, they wouldn't necessarily notice a dent in the wall in their drunken states, but they would definitely notice an entire boy in their house.

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