short 2

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warnings for the following:

- implied death/ mention of death

- drinking

- sad lol.

this short is completely unrelated to the previously published one, and in this short, redwood had died in an altercation alone with nobody as a witness.

The blonde woman stood, seemingly frozen, appearing almost like a stone statue rotting with mold and vines after being neglected for years. Celine had just received news that she couldn't believe; news that she refused to believe. news that would stick with her throughout her whole life.

"R..Redwood..?" she managed to stutter out, pushing past the lump in her throat that threatened to send a wave of tears to her eyes.

the information had just been delivered to her by one of her friends from the station, an officer, Officer Herald. The seemingly insignificant man seemed to accompany Celine's conflicted reaction of shock and horror.

Redwood was a detective who worked at the station, working by Celine's, or Nova's, side every single day of every week in every month. Celine was in charge of the interrogations and evidence-based topics, whereas Redwood just had the stereotypical duties of a detective wherever they went. Redwood wasn't always completely serious when it came to working, that was something Celine noticed very early on about him. It didn't take Celine long to catch onto his drinking problem. he would go out almost every night to parties he had been invited to by friends or family and drink away what little solitude he had left in his heart from the day prior. some times would be worse than others. if there was a case they got sent to investigate that was something unimaginably horrible, redwood would be seen at a party or a bar almost all night until the sun came up the next day. Celine could think of a few instances like this and she would rather not go back to the days that followed ever again.

At first, Celine had not even the slightest hint of why the two of them got along so well.

'we have nothing in common', she would think every night in those beginning days of their partnership. these common thoughts changed as the pair got closer though. In discovering Celine's real, full name, Redwood had almost immediately remembered her from high school. the two of them now were in their thirties, rather than their teens, but Redwood struggled to keep his excitement about the subject internalized.

"you were that girl I couldn't forget! I remember the day we met when some douchebags were making fun of you for some reason... I wish I could remember why. Wow, I completely forgot about that after graduation."

After that moment, Celine knew they were gonna be the best of friends; and that they were. Though most of their interactions consisted of Celine scolding Redwood for drinking all night, they had their good moments too. There was a case once that Celine won't talk about anymore due to its awful effect on her mental health after and during their investigations. Redwood was there the whole time by her side, comforting her, doing what work he had to do so she didn't have to look up at the scene. She took a short leave for a while, having to take a break from the profession entirely. The idea of her going on leave was even strange to her, for she'd never been the type to be affected this negatively by a case. Throughout her whole 'break' though, Redwood would visit her house every day to check up on her, and most of the time, a small homemade dinner would accompany him. She learned then and there that if Redwood would ever have to go through what she was going through now, that she would be there by his side just like he was for her.

However, after receiving the news of Redwood's passing, Celine found that the day would never come for her to comfort her partner through tough times. She would never be there for Redwood like he was for her all those days. She would never get to support Redwood in that same way, and most importantly, she would never be able to feel his embrace again. The most support she could provide for him now would be to never forget him, what he did, what he didn't do, and who he was. Not only who he was as a person, but also who he was to her. And that's exactly what she did as the years went by and by. 

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