Chapter 7

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^above, Dino, gamma(third in command) Luminai pack.

A/n: Guys I know it's unusual but ahhhh it's description chapter!!
Luminai was full of life,it was bustling. Lucky for them they'd have a full moon tonight, which meant some pups would fully shift into wolves and those who desired could go for a run. It'd be exhilarating.

As per custom,the rave was their opportunity to unwind,dress as they pleased.

Mingyu scanned what he was wearing. He wasn't too confident. Sure he had the body,lean yet prominent muscle but he wouldn't be going on full display,at least not yet. He like the sheer he had on,it was daring but at least left something to the mind.

He walked out of his chambers and looked down,the girls in the pack ran past him giggling and he smiled back. They were all in little bralettes and skimpy skirts.

There was someone in the middle of the lobby who looked a little uncomfortable. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Beta Wonwoo,you...."

Wonwoo had replaced his glasses with contacts and his hair was in it's natural fluffy curly state. It looked a little blown out. He wore white sheer,and believe it or not he had leather pants on. His black combat boots were his final article.

Mingyu was a little stunned, "Is that a lip ring?"

Wonwoo turned a little red, "Yeah ummm, it's something I got as a dare and since tonight is about looking....."

"Hot.." Mingyu cut in.

"I thought it'd fit into the whole ummm .....vibe. You look very handsome too Alpha Mingyu-I mean you umm look nice"

"Thanks," Mingyu breathed out as he moved closer to Wonwoo. The lip ring,it was calling him. Fuck it. He backed Wonwoo onto the wall and kissed him. He was floating on clouds.

Wonwoo broke the kiss,Mingyu looked at him. Shit! Shit!

"I umm...,"and then Wonwoo walked away as quickly as he could.

Mingyu walked out trying to distract himself with the music that played.

Somewhere within the same quad Jeonghan scanned the area. Bodies rubbing against each other.
Luminai had delivered another rave and by the looks of it the Crescent Moon members had really needed a release. Sucks to be them he thought.

He had his chest on full display this time round, and he liked the blonde hair that fell onto his face. Clearly dyeing it was the right choice.

When a sensual song came on he took it as his cue to dance. A raven haired girl had found her way to him. Her back was to his front and he was not about to turn down a good dance.

Next a ginger boy made himself busy. The two were grinding on each other slowly to the beat of the music.

Jeonghan moved to the tables for a re-fill. That is until he heard two voices address him from the back.

"This is what you people do for fun?!" Seungcheol asked as he looked around cautiously.

"I have to say,it's a little umm...uncomfortable . Isn't it too cold to be shirtless? " Joshua puzzled

"Relax,here you don't have to be the big bad alphas. You wanted to see our way of life,well here it is. Maybe I can show you the real definition of fun later," Jeonghan said with a sly smile.

"Huh?" the two alphas replied.

Jeonghan only played with the red solo cup in his hand and said, "Meet me at full moon. "

The two alphas watched Jeonghan's retreating back. He wasn't joking when he talked about desire. Because right now they desired him. Really really badly.

A/n : Smut in the next chapter yay or nay? I think it's time I introduce the other ships too. Please note the other ships won't get as much time since this book is dominantly Seungcheol,Joshua and Jeonghan's story.

Have you been to a Seventeen concert? Relate experiences please.

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