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This is for you my human angel, thank you, I love you 😍


Taehyung would say he's enjoying everything right now, yup he really is.

The look on his step mom and half siblings faces right now is worth millions. He won't trade this for anything.

Taehyung has never felt so satisfied before, maybe he's exaggerating a bit but this right now is priceless.

He walks behind his father unable to hide the smirk playing on his face.

"What's going on?" His step mom stutter out confusion swimming all over her face. "What is he doing here" she adds looking between his father and him.

Taehyung should just walk pass them to his room but no way, he's not missing this moment.

That bath and bed can wait.

"What kind of stupid question is that" his father turned to Sumi with a frown

She let out an awkward laugh. "I mean isn't Taehyung supposed to be in a police cell right now? Jung obviously made it clear he is to spend two weeks there"

His father let out a loud yawn.

"Well someone bigger than Jung had a say."


His father gave her a long bored look

"But that's impossible no one is bigger than Jung in this town not even the mayor. Darling hope you didn't do anything stupid"


"Hope you didn't do anything to anger Jung more, the last thing we want is Jung seeing us as enemies."

From the corner of his eye Taehyung sees Aera pull out her phone to call someone and Taehyung can already guess who that is. That dick head of an alpha obviously.

"Nobody did anything stupid Sumi, Taehyung here just happen to have the number one lawyer in the country behind him."

Taehyung smirks even more with absolutely no idea how Jungkook managed to make Min Yoongi come all the way here.

But he's grateful, very grateful.

"What are you talking about?"

"The country's number one lawyer is Min Yoongi" voices Juhun with a raised brow

Taehyung is not surprise Juhun knows min Yoongi. More than half the country knows the man. The man did handle one of the biggest case in the country's history and the entire trial was televised for the whole country to see.

He remembers his father forcing them to sit down and watch the whole process with him. Said it will teach them one or two things in life.

His half siblings always did end up falling asleep but Taehyung followed the whole thing through.

"You got that right"

"Appa you're saying Min Yoongi got Taehyung out" Jihu asked like he's testing their father's sanity

"Hmmm" his father Hums with a nod, dropping himself on the couch

The two boys burst out laughing

Sumi's eyes was on him, Taehyung smirks even more returning her stare.

"That's ridiculous" Sumi voices

His father turned to him, Taehyung quickly wipe the smirk off his face clearing his throat as he gives his father a small forced smile.

THE BILLIONAIRE ALPHA // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now