chapter 17

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you sighed heavily as milton went to open the door, the hole in your heart being further excavated. you stared down at your feet.

when milton had ripped you to come to the altar, you knew he wouldn't leave you free. he had quickly tied your wrists together once again, and then moved onto your ankles. you refused to make eye contact with him when he did so.

"ah, welcome in! me and my... stunning spouse-to-be are just past this hallway here!" you heard milton fanboy, and an affirmative grunt from the officiator.

as your captor stumbled into the room, you sharply inhaled, still fixing your eyes to the floor. you didn't want to see him any more than you had to.

"o-oh my... um, this isn't... usually the kind of wedding i officiate," you heard the officiator speak, and the thick accent immediately hit you as artificial.

the tone, the diction, the intonation...

your head snapped up, eyes slightly wider as you made eye contact with the... 'priest'.

of course. ace's costumes were always obnoxious.

it looked like a halloween costume of the pope! there was no possible way that milton was falling for this!

ace held eye contact with you, refusing to look away until milton began to speak again. you felt a warmth bloom in your chest at ace's tender gaze.

no, no, no. this is a life-or-death situation, now is NOT the time. besides, he's only doing his job.

"oh, well... my darling just loves being bound.. heh, in fact, they said that if not for their restrictions they wouldn't be able to keep their hands off of me!" milton licked his lips, and you let out an involuntary sob. both men turned to look at you, one with lust and the other with fear.

despite your flowing tears, you forced a watery smile. "y-yes, oh, yes! my... my milton knows me... so, so well," your voice shook as you delivered the sentence, cringing at your own words.

ace faked a smile, laughing obnoxiously. "well then, don't want to keep you... lovebirds waiting!" ace gritted, spitting out the last part.

milton turned starry-eyed, rushing to the 'altar' and grabbing your bound hands. "no time to wait! priest, it's time for us to be wed," milton announced, his voice breaking slightly. you kept your eyes glued to ace, begging him to free you with just a look.

again, the detective made eye contact with you. a quick frown struck his face before he hid it once again with his persona.

"i suppose you really are in a hurry to get married!" ace chuckled, yet you could feel the discomfort hanging in the air. ace shuffled slightly. "but uh, where's my payment?"

milton sighed, bowing his head. "yes, yes. i shall be on that right away. what was the amount we discussed over the phone again?"

ace froze up, stuttering. "o-oh, y'know, i don't really remember, hah..." he swallowed hard, fidgeting with his robes. "just give me however much you want!"

a flash, or rather a spark, ignited in milton's eyes at the words. however, the light was forcefully doused as milton's eyes crinkled up in a grotesque smile. "alright, i'll be right on it!"

as milton left the room, ace quickly gripped your shoulders in desperation.

"y/n, are you alright?!" he hissed, turning your chin so you would make eye contact with him. you felt fire spread over your face as he gazed softly at you.

"i-i'm fine, ace. listen, you need to get out of here." your incessant begging seemed to fall on deaf ears. ace began to pull and tug at your bindings.

you struggled, pushing yourself away from him as best you could. "ace, stop! i'm doing all this for snuffy, to keep milton from hurting others... even if i have to suffer, i'm okay with it as long as i can actually make a difference for once! just leave, you have more to accomplish. if he catches you, we'll both be dead, and i'm not someone worth dying for!" you ranted, still trying to keep your voice at a hushed tone. ace ceased his actions for a moment, seemingly mulling on your words.

"y/n, no, y-you don't understand. i should've told you sooner, but i... i didn't know how. please, just listen." ace's eyes bored into yours, and you felt vulnerable under his gaze. you once again felt your face flush, sniffling slightly.

"ace, i need you to leave. now."

before the man could speak once again, he whirled around to the sound of footsteps. you didn't dare to look up from your position, instead opting to make acquaintance with the floor.

"m-milton, ah, i... trust you've found my payment?" ace tried, pushing his... 'pope hat' back onto his head. milton giggled.

"ah, yes! here you are, mr. ventura. a payment from one respectable man..." milton paused, grabbing ahold of ace by his shoulders suddenly, "to another."

you looked up suddenly, watching both of the men fall to the floor. milton was trying his hardest to sink the twisted knife's blade into ace's flesh, while the latter attempted to narrowly miss injury.

you sucked in a breath between your teeth, further undoing your restraints from the start ace had given you. you boldly threw yourself at milton, knowing you had to play the part.

weeping softly, you snaked your arms around milton's neck.

"m-milton, please! my... my love! mr. ventura was only worried that i had been kidnapped by someone less... trustworthy than you! he didn't mean to steal me away from you, darling... surely there's a less violent way to settle this?" you pleaded, looking at milton through your lashes, gaze as innocent as possible. you moved your hands to his hair, playing with it gently. milton bit his lip, looking away from you as his pale face flushed a deep red.

"f-fine, but... but only for you, my kitten. instead, i will tie up our uninvited guest here, yes?" you pursed your lips, nuzzling your face into your captor's neck.

"oh, but my love, that's so much work! surely we can just... let him go?" you whined. milton's hands found their way to your waist, and you had to stop yourself from shoving him away.

"no, no. not yet, at least. he may go right to the police, and then what? our marriage will be tainted for eternity!" milton cried, and you cooed at him.

"okay, yes, my dear. i agree with whatever you propose." you forced a soft grin, and milton stood up suddenly to bind ace in restraints.

ace looked over at you, an unrecognizable emotion flickering behind his eyes. you looked at him somberly, before turning your attention back to the rope burn on both your ankles and wrists.

ace gazed at your hopeless demeanor, swallowing hard. he shrugged off his obnoxious costume, stashing the bugged walkie-talkie from beneath his hat into his pocket. now that he had everything on recording, it was only a matter of time.

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