chapter 5

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lucky for you, no one inside the office had noticed your crazed driving spree. you went inside and clocked in without any delay. making your way into your new office, you noticed milton was standing next to arthur's desk.

"...with such disrespect! it's terrible, it's awful, and you should be ashamed that you-" milton's rant was cut short as you opened the door to your new workspace.

"oh, milton! what are you doing in here?" you questioned, sending both men a quizzical look. milton cleared his throat, stepping forward before arthur pulled him back with a single hand on his shoulder.

"ya see y/n, milton was just checking on some business statistics with me before he was gonna leave and get back to work; right, milton?" he sneered. milton's previously bold disposition deflated into one of utter defeat.

"yes, sir." milton dragged his feet as he exited arthur's office. you sent a look to arthur, and he waved off the situation.

"nothing important, just that dumbass spewing his bullshit as per usual," arthur growled. he rolled his eyes, lighting another cigar. "y/n, you can take a seat now. don't just stand around."

you quickly took your seat, getting to work on the stack of arthur's papers on your desk. the entire time you were distracted by whether or not you were safe.

and then came the bang on your desk.

"Y/N!" arthur roared, and you broke out of your trance to see your pen ink dripping all over the important paperwork. you gasped loudly, jumping up from your seat. your haste in jumping up caused the desk to jolt forwards into arthur, and he let out a string of curses as you hurried out of the office to go find something to clean up with.

"OH NO, WE'RE NOT DONE YET, YOU BITCH!" arthur shrieked. he grabbed your wrist tightly, and you instantly knew he had bruised it.

there you were, in the middle of the office, being loudly berated by your supervisor who had just been singing your praises the day before.

"YOU NEED TO GET YOUR FUCKING ACT TOGETHER, YOU DUMB CUNT! YOU'RE DISRESPECTING A SUPERVISOR, YOU KNOW THAT?!" he continued to shout in your face. you cowered a bit; arthur was unpredictable, and you weren't completely convinced he would never hurt you.

"arthur! that's enough, let them go!" you mentally facepalmed as you saw milton stand up and begin to approach you two.

"milton, shut the hell up before i beat your head into the wall," arthur growled, but your coworker didn't listen in the slightest.

"no, i don't care, let them go now! this is beyond cruel, y/n doesn't deserve this!" he cried. arthur only laughed at him.

"this bitch deserves every bad thing that comes their way, you best believe it! ruining my paperwork after i'm nice enough to take them off the streets and give them the highest promotion i can offer from an entry level position, and what do i get in return? someone taking advantage of my kindness!" arthur shouted again, and the entire office was silent. milton shook his head.

"no, no, you're wrong about y/n, you're wrong about everything! y/n is the best thing to ever grace this office," milton sighed, a dreamy look filling his eyes.

honestly, this is beyond humiliating. i'd rather have arthur rip me a new asshole than go through whatever THIS is.

arthur let out a terrible laugh, wheezing and hacking and coughing. "oh god, don't tell me! you have a workplace crush on them, don't you?!" arthur cried. the entire office erupted in laughter as milton's face went red and he responded, "s-so what if i do?"

you wanted nothing more in that moment but to die.

arthur, overcome with laughter, let you go. your shaky legs barely let you stand up. milton rushed to your side, but you shrugged him off.

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