chapter 15

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grabbing you another cup of water, milton forces you to drink. he continues on with his story.

"after i deciding i needed to make you mine, i settled in at fieldpool & co. i figured if anyone knew i was arthur's son that i would be harrassed... and i knew it would drive you away from me. and i couldn't let that happen! i knew from the moment i laid eyes on you, my sweet y/n, that i had to have you!" milton shrieked desperately, throwing himself on the ground in front of you, staring up at you intently.

"i easily found out where you live- employers keep all that stuff on file and i could easily slip into my father's office after hours to find out all of your information. emergency contacts, house address, everything! that night, i followed you home; despite being observant, i was just too sneaky for you!" he giggled with glee, still gazing at you. "after a while, just watching you from afar wasn't enough. it was easy to break in; your windows were easy to maneuver. the real struggle, however," milton looked down, voice becoming scornful, "was that damn cat."

you felt your stomach drop. so it was true; not only had he murdered his father, been breaking in and stalking you, but he was also the confirmed kidnapper of your beloved snuffy.

milton watched your expression for a moment, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of emotion. he sighed heavily. "it would meow and scratch at me, yowling and shrieking. it alerted the neighbors on occasion, nearly resulting in me being caught. and so, i took it away. i couldn't bear for it to keep us apart any longer, y/n!" milton sang. he rose back to his feet, encasing your slouched figure between his weak arms.

your lip trembled, and you clutched the arms of the chair you were bound to. "so it's true? you killed snuffy?" your voice shook with fear and despair. milton tutted at your question.

"don't worry, my love. that wretched creature still lives. for now. i snuck into your apartment the night you rejected me, knowing it must have had something to do with that stupid cat. when you still showed the next day, emotionless, i knew you must not have noticed. and then, you had to go and get that damn... 'detective' involved." you glared at milton as he used air quotes to refer to ace's profession. milton heaved another sigh.

"really, my dear, i just don't get what you see in him." you chuckled dryly, sarcasm dripping from your demeanor.

"maybe it's the fact he never had to kidnap me to get my attention," you retorted. you knew provoking milton wasn't wise; you still didn't have the full grasp on what he was capable of. but you couldn't stand the thought of him. you had to let your frustrations out somehow.

milton let out a high-pitched shriek, slamming his hands against your chair as he leaned in, closer than before.

"you dare speak to me that way?! you bitch! he is nothing compared to me, you know that?! i have done everything for you, and i still haven't even gotten a thank you! such a greedy whore, always wanting and wanting but never giving credit where it's due!" milton cried. you flinched slightly at his tone; you had never heard him so angry before. he sucked in a deep breath, voice returning to normal.

"now, my love, anymore questions for me?"

his shift in emotions threw you off slightly.

under your breath, you muttered, "you're just like your father."

milton went ballistic at your words, flinging your glass of water off the table.

"how dare you! how dare you! i am nothing like him, not at all! he never treated you with the respect you deserved! meanwhile, i have done absolutely everything in my power to make you happy!" milton began to sniffle, tears spilling and staining his glasses. "that was what my mother had said to me, before i killed her that day. i don't want to kill you, y/n! don't make me do this," his voice slowed, and you felt a chill down your back as he peered into your soul. you gulped, offering a sheepish smile.

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