chapter 12

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milton perked up as you walked towards the table he sat at. he scrambled out of his seat, pulling your chair out for you to sit.

"h-here you are, y/n!" he said, albeit at a higher volume than you wished. you chuckled nervously, slipping into the seat and pushing it as close to the table as it would go.

milton stared at you with a dazed, starstruck expression for a moment. an obvious blush spread across his face, turning his sickly pale skin to a shade of red.

"so, um... what did you wanna talk about, y/n?" he asked, messing with the tablecloth. you took a moment to really take in milton's appearance.

thick black frames decorated his pale face, his hazel eyes had a glossy sheen over them at all times as if his eyes had been glazed over. he had greasy brown hair which was slicked back from gel, but had turned more or less oily. his skin was broken out slightly in acne, the pimples providing a contrast to his sheet-white face. he had no facial hair whatsoever, but sported thick, untamed eyebrows.

in a moment, you noticed his hair. it wasn't usually gelled, was it? he normally just wore it for the greasy mess it was.

then it hit you. he wasn't wearing his glasses, either.

"milton," you began, voice wavering, "where are your glasses?" you prayed the answer was something other than what you were expecting.

his redness somehow burned darker, and his gaze fell to the silverware in front of him. "w-well... i, um, i... i wanted to, erm... i just wanted to l-look how i... thought you liked," milton choked out. you wanted to cry. you were a good person, why was this happening to you?!

feigning innocence, you raised your eyebrow. "how i like? what do you mean, i've never dated anyone! how do you know what i like?" you asked him, keeping a calm, even tone as you spoke. milton almost choked on his saliva, and his face looked like a beet.

"i... ok, y/n, i can't hide anything from you. i've... seen the guy that you hang around with, and i... i see the way he looks at you. i... i thought that, well, maybe if i looked more like him, you'd... like me?" milton stammered and fell over his words as his explanation dragged on. you felt sick at this point.

sucking in a deep breath, you forced yourself to grin. "you look lovely, milton! a-and that guy... he's just a friend." you really didn't want to say it. but you knew that it was the truth, and that it was what milton wanted to hear.

milton swallowed hard. "y/n, i know he's not. i've been seeing you... going home with him. and i... it breaks my heart." you cringed at how milton's voice broke. why did he assume that your only option was him, anyways?!

you acted as though you were horrified. "no, no! oh god, never! that's just the guy whose been, um... sharing his car with me. we live in the same apartment complex, and we figured ridesharing would work best for both of us," you explained nervously. milton scowled for a moment before his face broke into a smile.

"oh, wonderful! so this means that you are... single?" you grimaced as milton's smile twisted into a dark, foreboding smirk. you could instantly feel something was wrong, but ignored the instinct.

you forced out a laugh, maybe too loudly. "yep! single as can be, you know!" you could feel your stomach sink further, as if lead weight had been
pumped into your system. you began to feel dizzy.

milton's twisted smirk grew even larger as he reached across the table to grab your hands. they were cold, as ice cold as the blood in your veins. you pretended to enjoy it. you needed to get out of here, but finding snuffy was more important.

"oh, y/n! i knew this day would come! just you and me, together! i knew you'd change your mind after arthur was out of the picture!" milton whispered to you gleefully. you felt horror creep up your spine at his words. holy shit. there's no way he actually...

as the waiter came to take your orders, milton's dark disposition dropped almost immediately. he let go of your hands, quickly pulling his own back to his body. "y'know, he always just treated you so horribly. i guess it was just karma coming to him!" you prayed the waiter could sense your terror as you turned to look at them.

"u-um... i'll just take a water, please," you stammered. the chills down your back were nearly impossible to ignore. the waiter seemed to ignore your anxious disposition, instead turning to milton.

"and for you, mr. fieldpool?" the waiter asked, leaning in towards him.

your brain became even more fuzzy. fieldpool? that's arthur's last name, not milton's! milton's last name is... his last name is...

you racked your mind for any recollection of milton's last name. had he ever even introduced himself to you?

you were now rethinking every moment spent with milton. when had you first met him? at work, you knew for sure. but when had he introduced himself?

"oh, please! fieldpool is not a name which i'm associated with anymore," milton's words fell out clumsily, nervously scrambling to hint at the server to shut up.

the waiter looked at milton in confusion, before looking back to you. they let out a quiet ohhh before quickly walking away.

you stared at milton, breathless. it was as if you had been punched in the gut.

and the next statement given by a passing waiter nearly ripped out your heart.

"mr. fieldpool, how have you been doing since your father's passing?"

inside of the restaurant in a shoddily-made disguise sat ace at a nearby table, listening in on the conversation. he held a newspaper with eyeholes cut out, and sported an obnoxiously tall top hat with a monacle and suit.

ace furrowed his brow, looking down at the table. "arthur is milton's father? arthur is milton's father. ARTHUR IS MILTON'S FATHER?!" he whisper-shouted to himself. he pushed his chair out suddenly, causing a commotion. he raced out of the restaurant, knocking into waiters and tables, knocking dirty dishes out of servers' hands and off tables. you and milton both spun around suddenly, and you immediately knew who the interruption was caused by.

you groaned and covered your face before milton turned his attention back to you. "what's wrong, y/n?" he questioned, and you slammed your hands down on the table suddenly, faking a grin.

"nothing! everything is just great!" you hissed through your fake smile. milton frowned, tilting his head.

"y/n, are you lying to me?" his creepy demeanor came back, and at this point, you wanted to scream.

"no, no! let's, um, take a walk outside!" you blurted hurriedly. grabbing milton's hand, you rushed out of the restaurant.

dammit, ace. now i've raised too much suspicion!

ace ventura x reader (hot)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon