chapter 13

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dragging milton out the doors, your grip tight on his wrist, your eyes darted around to survey your surroundings. that dumbass... could he have been any more obnoxious?!

"y/n, please!" milton cried out, tugging you back. you wanted to vomit; his touch repulsed you. his hands were unnaturally sweaty.

milton clasped his hands together, looking away and refusing to meet your gaze. "y/n, i know what this is all about," he sighed, a slight whine present in his tone. "i haven't necessarily been honest with you..."

you felt bile rise in your throat. you've got that right, you lying bastard.

"i am... was, the son... heh, of arthur fieldpool. we had our differences, assuredly. i was always much closer to my mother. she died a decade ago, but i still favor her corpse over that of my father. i'm sure you understand, y/n; your relationship with your parents is not the best."

as milton spoke, it felt as though a blackhole had opened up underneath you. you were being swallowed up completely by a void.


how the hell did he know about your parents?

"wh-what?" you stuttered, a lump forming in your throat. milton only offered you a smile.

"what do you mean? why do you look so surprised? your parents never supported you, and especially not your veterinary pursuits. and when you dropped out of school, they disowned you completely!" the facts of your life fell effortlessly from milton's lips. terror crept up your spine.

"i... i never told you that." you backed away from him as you spoke, your back hitting the cement of an alleyway entrance.

milton's demeanor changed, his eyes widening slightly, faux-innocence gleaming in his irises.

"y-you didn't?" the corners of his mouth turned down slightly, brows turning upwards in concern.

your breathing hastened, heart pounding. your eyes darted around rapidly, searching for any means to escape. how the hell did he know this?

"i-i got the information from my dad! y-yeah," milton hurriedly 'explained'. you could tell he was lying; you had never went into detail of your situation with arthur. and besides, you had at least enough faith in arthur that he wouldn't spill your life's secrets to anyone who came asking. milton seemed to find his lie adequate, approaching you. he placed a palm on the wall next to your head, reaching out to take one of your hands in his.

"now, my sweet, what did you want to talk about?" his nasally voice took on a... 'suave' tone, or at least an attempted one. you were trembling for all the wrong reasons, but milton seemed to interpret it a different way.

"now, now, darling. don't be afraid. i love you, don't you know that? i would do anything for you; i would die for you, i would kill for you- really, what's the difference?" milton chuckled. he reached his hand to your face, cupping your cheek.

you slapped his hand away, ducking out of his ensnarement against the wall. "don't touch me, you.. you... you bastard!" you cried out. you hoped and prayed that someone, anyone, would hear your pleas.

milton's demeanor shifted again, sadness enveloping his expression. "y/n... you still don't trust me? after everything i have done for you?!" milton snarled. as your back hit yet another wall, you realized he had backed you into the dark alleyway. "you owe me big time, my dear. i have done so much for you; to garner your attention, your respect, your affections! and this is the thanks i get?!" milton cried out, and as he drew closer, you were growing more fearful.

"w-what are you talking about?! you haven't done anything for me!" milton shook his head and laughed, his face closer to you than you ever wanted it to be.

"my dearest! do you not understand?! i have killed for you! don't you appreciate it?" milton whimpered, grabbing your hands and clasping them between his own. his lip quivered, eyes wettening as he leaned into you. "arthur only ever caused you pain, and stress! you didn't want for me to publicly defend you, so... i-i figured that getting rid of him in private would make you happy!"

dread gnawed at your insides, and it was as if your face had been drained of any pigmentation. so it was true... milton was a murderer. so did he kill that innocent cat, too? and steal snuffy? there was no way, he couldn't know where you lived! while you knew it was plausible, you didn't want to accept it. you couldn't accept it.

"get away from me! get away! you're... you're a murderer, you're sick! i could never love you, get away!" you shrieked, opting to tackle into him. milton, while surprised, only grabbed ahold of you. you had tackled him to the ground, yet he latched onto you tightly. you lied on top of him, his dirty hands clutching at your arms.

"oh, y/n, you just don't understand! it's alright; it will all make sense in time! now, please forgive me for this, my dear," milton grunted, wrestling you to the ground underneath him. when the hell did he become stronger than you?! you supposed that you truly knew nothing about this man- your coworker, who was once a bookish, shy nerd was actually a ruthless killer.

"forgive you?! i could never forgive you, you sneaky son of a bitch!" you cried out, as milton effortlessly pinned you to the ground with your arms behind your back. you felt his weight shift onto you, and you sneered as he pressed his nostrils to the nape of your neck, inhaling deeply.

"oh, my sweet... you smell just as wonderful as you did on that night," he purred, and you could feel his sickeningly sweet smile against your ear. "please, do not take offense to this, my love."

before you could even question his ramblings, milton forced a cloth against your face. you tried your hardest to hold your breath; you had researched enough true crime to know this was obviously chloroform.

you knew that, one way or another, you would pass out. you would pass out, and milton would do... something. you were hoping it was murder. you would rather die at his hands than be kept alive in whatever situation he had prepared for you.

as your vision began to blur, you tried your best to think back to when you had first met milton.

your first day at the office? no, it was too hectic of a day. was milton even working there at that point?

you concentrated on whether or not milton had been hired before or after you had. you had always thought he was hired before you, considering he held a quite high position within the company. however, with the newfound knowledge of milton's relation to arthur, you now knew that nepotism was a factor within the workplace.

your thoughts were becoming less and less coherent, your vision nearly incapable of doing its job. however, despite all the assaults on your senses, you heard a familiar voice cry out.


you gasped, even with the cloth being held over your mouth. you knew it was the end for you there. with the last of your energy, and the muffling of the fabric, you cried out.


but to no avail. the brightly-dressed figure, obscured by your blurry vision, passed right by the alleyway. milton giggled, pressing himself closer to you.

"such poor luck, y/n. but you don't have to worry about him anymore," the man hissed, turning you over so he could glance into your eyes one last time before you lost all consciousness.

with your mouth and nostrils being filled with the sickly sweet scent of chloroform, you allowed yourself to slip away.

after all, your final hope had been lost.

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