Carried Away

110 9 6

You thought the feeling was forever

And the stars were on your side

It was lovely while it lasted

But it wasn't meant to stay

Still, you let yourself get carried away


Raph has to practically shove his pouting brother into the building, and they both snap into ninja mode the moment they cross the threshold. Third eyelids close, helping to lighten the dark just a bit, and they do a once-over of the area, searching for any signs of movement. Donnie hurries forward to do a more thorough search, and Raph watches with exasperation as he seems to bounce around the boxes, appearing and disappearing like some stupid game of wack-a-mole. He definitely learned that from Leo.

He glances back to the door and the van, and a shuffle of movement catches his eyes. He freezes in surprise as he realizes the guard is awake and walking towards the door, and dives into the nearest shadow, waiting for him to enter the warehouse to find the mob lackies.

His brow furrows in confusion when he simply stops at his post next to the door, and leans against the wall, tapping the hilt where his gun hides. He remains like that for a minute or two more, and Raph is about to go seek out his brother when another man dashes at him, knocking him out and tossing him to the floor. His four cohorts come up behind them, and the first crouches to fiddle with the air before they all dash through the door one at a time.

Then, once a few steps inside, they vanish. Like they were never there at all.

...Which begs an excellent question.

He steps forward cautiously, scanning the area around the door. He spots a small black box of unknown purpose, but there's a camera-appearing lense on the end. After a moment of contemplation, Raph kneels and turns to look at the unconscious man that it's pointed at. Without taking his eyes off of him, he stabs the box.

Slick and forceful, it breaks through and probably slices plenty of delicate wires, rendering the box useless. The man flickers a few times before disappearing, and Raph's theory is confirmed. The whole scene was a hologram- an act, and someone left it here for a reason.

Someone was using it as bait.

Possibly for a couple crime-fighting mutant turtles.

It's a trap.

He jumps to his feet, and the bay door drops down in response, cutting him off from the outside. He dashes to it on pure instinct, slamming his sai into it with a frustrated growl, only to cut himself off when there's a faint hissing. He looks up to the vent above, a taintedly sweet smell reaching him.

He instinctively holds his breath and steps back, only to catch the tell-tale fwoosh of air. He deflects one dart, and then a second and third, abruptly recalling the brother that's with him and unaware of the danger.

His heart leaps to his throat and he forsakes ninja stealth as he charges for the crates. "Donnie!"

The darts seem to follow him, but after years of dodging laser blasts, keeping out of their reach takes only a small reserve of skill. His startled younger brother appears near the top of the stack, and he ricochet off the surfaces to reach him. "Raph? What's going on? Are you-"

He tackles him onto his shell, covering his mouth to hiss, "Fake robbery. Darts. Stay down."

Donnie nods, so he removes his hand, both of them crouching, surrounded by the thick crates that make a good makeshift shield. A moment of scanning, and then Donnie is nudging him to point out the camera facing in their direction. Raph spots the well-hidden dart guns, and pulls out his ninja stars, noting every location so he doesn't hesitate.

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