Chapter 7: "I SAID NO!"

Start from the beginning

Angry Pomeranian: I don't have to tell you jack

Icyhot: Nice to see you're doing well Bakugo. Toxic as ever

Angry Pomerianian: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!

Icyhot: *Type

Angry Pomerianian: DON'T GET SMART WITH ME!

Icyhot: I'm just trying to help, so you don't make the same mistake in the future

Earjack: 😂 😂 😂 😂

Broccoli: 😂 😂 😂 😂


Earjack: You, obviously 🙄

Angry Pomeranian: You little

As they are typing away in the group chat, Midoryia is giggling at the comments that are being made. The rest of the squad noticed he was into his phone and giggling on the bed. Uraraka looked at the others and they shrugged their shoulders. "Are you having fun over there? *Kero" Tsu asked. Midoryia looked up from his phone and his facial expression changed from fun to boring. "I'm doing fine," Midoryia replied. Uraraka got up from the floor and walked over to Mdiroyaia. "Who are you texting?" Uraraka asked as she tried to lean over to see his phone. "I'm texting no one," Midoryia replied as he moved his phone face down. "I am not stupid Deku, I saw you texting on the bed before I can get over here," Uraraka said. "My answer still stands," Midoryia said. "Midroyia, why don't you just tell us who you're texting?" Lida asked. "Because you guys don't need to know," Midoryia replied. "Come on, we are your squad, your friends, and friends don't lie and keep things from each other," Uraraka said. "But there are limits," Midoryia said.

Uraraka sighed and made another attempt to see what was on his phone. Midoryia picked up his phone and moved it close to his chest. "What are you doing?" Midoriya asked. "I'm just trying to see who you're texting," Uraraka replied as she tried to reach for his phone again. Midoryia moved his phone to his back and used his free hand to move her hands. "Like I said before, I'm texting no one," MIdoryia said. "If there is no one then why aren't you letting her see?" Lida asked. "First, stay out of this Lida. Second, it is none of your business. This is my phone, my property, so I can decide whether or not you can see," Midoryia replied. "Let me see," Uraraka said as she stretched further to Midoryia's phone. "No!" Midoriya yelled. "Just let her see!" Lida said. "I told you to stay out of this!" MIdoriya said. "Uraraka, he doesn't want you to have his phone, so just m-" "Let me see!" Uraraka yelled, interrupting Tsu. "I SAID NO!" MIdoryai yelled as he activated his quirk and pushed her into the wall.

Lida and Tsu were shocked and quickly ran to Uraraka. "Are you okay?" Tsu asked. "I'm..fine," Uraraka replied. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Lida yelled as he walked to Midoryia. "Because she doesn't know when to stop!" Midoryia replied. "That does not give you the right to use your quirk on someone! Especially when they are female!" Lida yelled. "Says the one who attempted murder on someone who killed your brother!" Midoryia said. "How dare you bring my brother up in this discussion when he has nothing to do with it," Lida said. "You have never approached me, then I wouldn't have mentioned him," Midoryia said. "Guys, stop arguing!"

All of them looked at the door to see most of the class standing behind the door. "What is going on? What happened?" Momo asked. "Midoryia used his quirk on Uraraka," Lida replied. "Why did you do that, Midobro?" Sero asked. "The real question is, what did you guys do for him to do that?" Kaminari asked. "What makes you guys think it's my fault?" Uraraka asked as she was trying to get up. "When has it never been your fault? Everything that has happened is all because of you," Kaminari replied. "Midobabe, are yo-" Midoryia shoved everyone who was blocking the doorway and ran down the hallway. "I'll go get h-" "No, let us," Jiro said as she put her hand on Kirishima's shoulder. The others nodded their heads as Bakugo, Jiro, and Todoroki ran behind Midoryia.

After entering the school, they had no clue where he was. "Where could I have gone?" Todorki asked. "I know where he is," Bakugo said as he ran down the hall and was followed by the others. Once they reached the door, they recognized it. "Didn't Aizawa say we aren't allowed to be in any of the training centers with a staff's supervision?" Todoroki asked. "Yeah, but we always let All Might know we are in here, so we can't get in trouble," Bakugo replied as he opened the door slowly. Midoryia was sitting on a big rock with his back facing away from the door. They three looked at each other before they walked towards Midoriya. Jiro sat down next to Midoryia first, followed by Todoroki, and Bakugo stood next to them.

They all said in silence until Bakugo left the room without saying a word. Jiro and Todoroki were confused, but they didn't question it. It was really quiet between the three and they both were uncomfortable. "Hey Todoroki, are you okay with metal?" Jiro asked. "I don't mind," Todorki replied. Jiro pulled out her phone and began to play some music. Jiro began to nod her head to the music, Todoroki started a few songs after, and Midoryia started to loosen up. By the time the ninth song finished, Bakugo retired with a first aid kit. Todoroki and Jiro looked at each other and at Midoriya and fully examined his body to see his knuckles were bleeding. Bakugo walks over to Midoryia and puts his hand out; signaling him to give him his hand. Midoryia placed his hand on top of Bakugo's and he began to clean the wound. Midoryia hissed here and there, but over all, he was quiet.

Once the bandages were on, they all sat there listening to music. No side conversations about the song, no questions towards Midoriya, nothing. They sat quietly and listened to music. As time goes by, Midoryia begins to get looser than before and sways his body left and right. They could tell he was feeling the music and was enjoying the moment, but it sadly had to come to an end when they heard someone enter the training room. They looked behind them to see Aizawa standing in front of the entrance. "Problem child number one, All Might's office. Once you are done there, you join the others in my office. NOW!"

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