✞ ~ 4:30 A.M. ~

"Do you have anything useful yet? Anything?"

"No, Eraserhead. We still have nothing. We can't pinpoint his location at all. It's very difficult. We've tried asking others but they say they have never see a man like this one."

Aizawa grumbled while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Dammit." He growled. Who knows what could be going on right now with F/N. He could be tortured physically, mentally, or both which was even worse. Or he could be dead. He hoped to God that he wasn't dead. He didn't know how Y/N would react. She's lost her mother and she has no other family around either.

"I don't understand... how could a man that had left his fingerprint be able to hide away for this long? We still can't figure it out." One of the detectives stated. Utterly perplexed of the whole situation.

"There must be a clue somewhere. Because he wouldn't leave a fingerprint behind on accident. He left it on purpose."

Aizawa thought to himself. What clues could he have left behind for them to figure out? Maybe in Y/N's nightmares?

"Y/N L/N has been having nightmares with the same person that took her father. So maybe there are some clues in her dreams." Aizawa stated. The detective looked at him.

"Can you remember any of them? What she had told you?"

"Well I know that the first one she had, the man we are looking for wasn't there. So I don't think there is anything in that one." The detective took some notes in his yellow papered notepad and looked back up at the black haired hero.

"Go on."

"Next one after that didn't have him in it either. The only thing was was that this next dream was the same one in which F/N had tried to warn Y/N about. And that's when we came to the house to check on her father. And where we found he was taken." He went into further detail with the detective. He also told of what happened after she woke up. To the sink, the blood, everything. He began to get quite uncomfortable with this. Hearing the disturbing nightmares that this poor girl had to go through. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible.

"The one where he showed himself infront of her was her most recent one. In which he was playing a weird song and had, as she described, very old looking Victorian styled furniture. And the song was playing in a record player." Aizawa explained. The detective nodding once in a while while he described everything.

"Interesting, so we have a song, and how the place looked. What her dreams were like." The detective took a moment to think about everything. Aizawa thought to himself.

This guy wants to be found. He played an old song. Had weird furniture and- Wait....

The detective looked up from his notes and saw Aizawa having a weird look in his face.

"Eraser?" He asked.

"Do you have a computer that I can use around here? With maps?"

The detective nodded his head and lead Aizawa to a desk with a computer. He turned it on and went to searching for the maps. He then typed something in and the maps then went to loading the location.

"What is it?"

"There must be a reason he used that song."

"Well yeah, it's fucking creepy. Cause he's creepy." The detective stated in a 'duh' tone of voice.

"Think of it. I remember some of the lyrics. Something about a garden... and tulips."


Aizawa sighed. He then looked back at the screen in which showed the top of a large building. Didn't look like a house. Maybe a store of some sort? Aizawa clicked into it and it came into view closer showing the front of the building.

A hospital?

It was a rather medium sized hospital. Not too small, nor too big. Aizawa pointed to the building in the screen.

"Anything you know about this place?"

"Not really," The detective stated. "I do know it was abandoned years ago because they made a new one closer to the city. And I know that hospital everyone talked about it. It was famous for its-" he paused. Coming to the realization. Aizawa slowly nodding his head up and down.

"W-Wait... t-this place-"

"Was famous for have a large garden of tulips. That their patients could walk through." Aizawa finished for him. The detective stood still in realization of this. Maybe they figured it out finally. Aizawa lowered his finger from the computer screen and looked down slightly.

"He asked me to meet him... and bring Y/N with me."

The detective (let's call him Tsuneo) gazed back at Aizawa.

"Are you planning on bringing her?"

Aizawa looked back up.

"Hell no... Even if that bastard kept his word I still am not letting her go."

"So then... what do we do?"

Aizawa took a moment to think. But then he had an idea.

"I have a plan."

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