EPILOGUE (what if version)

Start from the beginning

"Mum! How did you get an invisibility cloak?" Mia gasped in excitement.

"Borrowed it," Aries grinned.

"Borrowed it or stole it?"

Aries gasped, putting her hand on her heart acting shocked. "My own daughter, accusing me of stealing."

Mia chuckled. "No but seriously, how?"

"It's a little gift from your uncle James," Aries told her.


"Well technically it's actually Harry's but he's letting you borrow it as a little Potter tradition, apparently in your first year it's passed down to you, a way of James to let us know we're still family."

"I can't believe I can take this to Hogwarts!" Mia squealed, hugging her mother, then a wave of anxiousness pulled over her.

"What's wrong?" Aries asked, concernedly.

"I'm actually going to Hogwarts," she whispered, looking up at her mum with a worried look on her face.

"You're not getting cold feet are you?"

"No- I just... Uncle Sirius was telling me about the houses-"

"Let me guess he said, 'Mia, you have to be in Gryffindor- you can only be in Gryffindor and if you're not you are no longer my niece?'" Aries mocked her brother.

"That is word for word what he said, he also said that if I get Slytherin he'll disown me double."

Aries shook her head chuckling. "Oh Mia, do you know what you should tell him when you see him later,"


"How excited he was to be in Slytherin-"

"What? He wanted to be in Slytherin?"

"Yup, we both did-"

Mia widened her eyes, "You wanted to be in Slytherin,"

Aries nodded at her daughter, "I was terrified when I got put into Hufflepuff, I pretty much cried when I got to the table."

"I never knew that,"

Aries smiled softly, stroking her daughter's head. "Listen, whatever house you're in I will be extremely proud of you."

"Even in Slytherin-"

"Especially Slytherin, you know you're the same as your Uncle Regulus, I wish you had the chance to meet him. You two would have liked each other- and he rarely liked anyone."

"I like people," Mia said, defensively.

Aries knitted her brows together. "Really?"

"Yeah, as long as they don't talk to me for long, or breathe near me or chew really loudly. I'm cool with people."

"Completely understandable points you got there M,"

"Thanks mum."

A strong whiff of cinnamon filled the air.

"And your dad is making Christmas pancakes?"

"Stevie wanted them."

"Of course, your sister has your father wrapped around her little finger," Aries shook her head.

"Mum! Mia!" Stevie shouted, stomping up the stairs. "Dad said you have to hurry up otherwise there's going to be no September Christmas pancakes left!"

Aries held up the invisibility cloak, a mischievous grin on her face. "Let's try this on your sister."


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