Black History Performances

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Everything for the Black History Celebration was scheduled to take place today. I was eagerly awaiting it because many people would attend and give performances for the school. I was so proud of the Woodcrest black community when they all joined together to perform. Even so, I was happy that my friends and other people of color wished to participate in the show. Even though it's not as customary, it's nice that they wished to partake as well.

Aaliyah and I had a lot of work managing everything because almost everyone in the A.F.R.O Association wanted to take part in the shows as well. Because Jazmine featured in many of the performances, we were eventually able to schedule them all properly.

We didn't want this to cause the show to run late. Since Jazmine needs time to change and prepare for her upcoming performance, we always space them out by two to three acts. She needs to get dressed, do her hair, and possibly touch up her cosmetics. Then she must speak, but if she is unable, Hiro will speak in her place.

The majority of the school had bought their tickets for this and were already seated in the auditorium. I was glad we were able to raise more than enough money to go on any other trips if we wanted to.

Another reason students bought the tickets is because of the Friday Night game for the basketball team. We were going against our rival school, and everybody was hyped up.

I was still surprised the dance team decided to partake in this once again because they were going to have to stay longer tonight. The basketball team wasn't going to be as tired because they didn't put as much work in as the dance team.

The person who I once again was worried about was my girlfriend. She was doing several performances and I could tell she was tired as hell. She didn't want to admit it, but it was written all over her face for the past couple of weeks.

I'm glad the day has come because I got tired of her stressing herself out. After today we can go home and chill out.

But I say I did loosen her up after we came back from our romantic weekend a week ago. She was a little upset she was sore for a good minute but then she shook it off and continued her normal routine.

The sexual vibe between Jazmine and me didn't leave because we were giving each other the looks every chance we got. I don't like that sex is always on my mind but it's for a good reason. I'm not just doing it for fun, I'm also doing it because Jazmine and I enjoy the feeling of being pleasured.

I think that's normal between two people who are romantically involved with each other.

Jazmine and I were doing good, but I feared that our relationship might not end so well due to a certain someone who was trying so desperately to earn my attention.

Aaliyah wasn't crazy, but she wasn't smart either. I hinted to her multiple times that I'm not interested in her and that I have a girlfriend. She knows it's Jazmine and she gets riled up every time I remind her.

Today I was avoiding making conversation with her since I didn't want to hear her out on how she truly felt. It seemed as if she was doing the same thing because she was avoiding me as well. She already knew what she had to do and that was to make sure the people who were performing had the speakers on their bodies or to make sure they started their performances on time.

I on the other hand was checking in with everyone just to make sure everything was in line. I had a headset on me so I could talk to Hiro. I had to let him know when to do certain stuff.

I know I could talk to him on my phone but that's not the appropriate device to use when on set.

I spotted Jazmine who was preparing to go on stage, and I had seen Aaliyah helping her pin a speaker on her clothes. She looked as if she didn't want to be doing it.

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