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 It was the next day since the meet-up we had at Cici's Pizza. I was currently at the soccer field with both Caesar and Hiro.

Caesar was practicing his soccer skills while Hiro was at his station. He would carry around his DJ equipment just so he would have something to do. Me on the other, I was sitting on the bleachers with Hiro reading my book. 

It was quiet between the three of us until Hiro had asked, "Is it me, or was lunch at Cici's weird?"

"What exactly do you mean?" I asked looking up from my book as Caesar stopped juggling his ball.

"Y'all didn't feel like a weird vibe while we were all talking to each other?" he asked. "I did, I just ignored it the whole time while we were there," Caesar simply said.

"Same, I think we all know what was going on there," Hiro said as I cocked my eyebrow up. "Of course we did, it was obvious, even Jazmine caught onto it. Makayla was envious as hell!" Caesar exclaimed.

"Yeah, ya think?" I rhetorically asked. 

"The whole entire time she kept giving Jazmine a nasty look. I'm surprised she didn't launch over the table and attack Jazmine," Hiro said. "Poor girl was in a situation like that with your ex," Hiro said shaking his head.

"By the way, why did you bring Jazmine as your date instead of going alone?" I curiously asked him. I felt like I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it come out of his mouth. 

"Was this your little favor of yours?" I questioned as he gave me an odd look. "Favor, how did you know about that?" he sternly asked.

I had forgotten for a second that he sent that message to Jazmine only. I can't have Caesar get suspicious about me seeing the message. "She told me at school when I asked her," I lied.

"Oh okay! If you must know, I asked Jazmine since she was the only girl I could ask on such short notice, plus I'm not friends with that many girls," Caesar simply explained.

"I mean how could you be friends with that many girls if you dated the majority of them," Hiro rhetorically asked laughing at his own statement. 

"Exactly; and most of them still can't get over me! Plus the only girls I'm friends with that I haven't been in a relationship with are Jazmine, Cindy, and Ming. I figured I couldn't ask Cindy nor  Ming because you and Riley would trip about that. So since Jazmine is single, I thought why not ask her. I don't see any niggas chasing after her, so that want lead to conflict with whoever got a crush on her," Caesar explained making me roll my eyes.

"She agreed and in return, I paid for her meal," he simply said.

"Okay, but dude, you do know that people that got a crush on somebody ain't gonna make that obvious. You know how many guys and girls like Jazmine?" Hiro exclaimed.

"I don't know the exact number, but for a second I thought she was going to hook up with Austin. Since those two didn't seem to vibe with each other, I figured I was in the clear to ask her," Caesar said.

"Well, at least it was a one-time thing," I said relieved. "Yeah, but I don't want it to be a one-time thing. Even though it was a fake date, I still enjoyed my time talking and laughing with Jazmine," Caesar surprisingly said.

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind her meeting my parents. They would be proud that I'm dating a girl that meets their expectations," he said smiling at the idea. I just looked at him funny because he was really considering dating Jazmine.

"Expectations?" Hiro questioned.

"Yeah, I mean even though she not fully black, there's nothing wrong with that. She is smart, funny, beautiful, and she don't act like she for the streets like most girls do," he said stating the good qualities about Jazmine. 

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