The Double Crosser

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Last night was something! I never thought I would have sex at this age. I tried to prevent any cause that leads to that. I even tried to prevent it with Jazmine, but last night had sent me over the top. 

There could have been times that I lost my virginity to girls, but I turned them down. I have always been dragged to parties by Riley, Ceasar, and Hiro.

Hiro would be DJ-ing while Ceasar and Riley would be partying. I stand to the side and wait for Hiro's gig to be over so that we could all leave. I would be approached by lots of girls trying to sleep with me. 

I don't need any more drama in my life so I try to avoid it. Sleeping with Jazmine didn't seem like a problem for me. I kinda always wanted to do it but it had to be consensual. I didn't think she was interested but her actions last night said otherwise. 

I felt movement indicating Jazmine was awake. It was kinda disturbing me so I had mumbled her name: "Jazmine!"

She must have turned around and started staring at me because she thought I was awake. I moved my arm from around her waist and sat up in bed. I started to regain my vision back since everything looked blurry at first sight. 

I looked to my side to see Jazmine under the covers. As soon as I made eye contact with her she had looked to her side. I guess she is weirded out about all of this.

She started to reach for something on her side of the bed and I was about to see what she was getting until she handed me some of my clothing.  I just took them and got dress under the sheets. 

I looked around once again to see if I could find any of her clothing. I got out of bed to see her shorts in the corner. I remember I had thrown them there. I grabbed them and turned right back around to see Jazmine sliding on her top.

I held out her shorts out for her to grab. She hesitantly grabbed them and was in the process of putting them on under the sheets. I found my shirt on the floor and decided to put that on. I even found my slides and slipped those on so I could leave if I had to.

Jazmine's phone started going off and she grabbed it. "Who is it?" I asked as she started scrolling.

"Umm my parents, Cindy, Ceasar, Hiro, Ming, Mr. Freeman, and surprisingly Riley," she named. "What did Riley and my Grandad text you for?" I asked trying to see what they had texted. 

"Both Riley and Mr. Freeman had asked if I've seen you," she said.

 "Shit!" I cursed. Out of all the days I had left the house and didn't receive a text, today they wonder where I'm at.

"That's a surprise," I mumbled under my breath. "Why you say that?" she asked concerned. 

"Because usually when Grandad goes out and sleeps with the women he dates they keep him busy and I saw Riley sneak out the house," it was true. My Granddad had his fling over and Riley sneaked out most likely to go see Cindy. 

I had brushed that off and asked: "What did your parents text you?"

She looked and answered: "My parents said they'll be here."

"What about the other's?" I wondered.

"Cindy asked if I wanted to hang out, Ceasar needs a favor from me for some odd reason, Hiro asked if I could come over, and Ming asked if I could come to the baseball field with her tomorrow," she told me. 

"I most likely wouldn't do some of the things they asked you," I simply said. I don't like Cindy, Ceasar is a little too risky, Hiro I wouldn't mind, and I don't feel like dealing with Ming's family. They are all still upset that I fractured her leg six years ago.

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