Christmas Shopping

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I was on Christmas Break for two weeks. I only had a couple of days to go get Jazmine a gift for Christmas.

I didn't think we were going to be exchanging gifts, but Caesar suggested we spend time together on Christmas Eve and exchange gifts.

The others agreed with him and they all started shopping for each other. I wasn't going to stress myself trying to get them all something so I was just going to give them money.

What I was going to give them they were all possibly going to throw away. Well to be specific, Riley and Cindy would throw it away, Hiro and Ming would keep it to be nice, and Caesar and Jazmine would try to put it to good use.

So no wasting money there. The only person I am buying a gift for is Jazmine.

The question is what am I going to buy for Jazmine? There are so many things she likes. I know for a fact I can't buy her a few of my favorite things because those aren't her favorite things.

Jazmine likes cute meaningful things unlike me who likes serious artist stuff. So basically to help pick out Jazmine's gift I have to get the opposite of what I like.

One of those things I don't like is stuffed animals. I was in GameStop at the Woodcrest Square Mall trying to find Jazmine a stuffed animal.

Most of the stuff they had was Mario Brothers characters, Sonic characters, blockheads, etc. Not something she is really into. I kept looking around and couldn't find anything that looked girly. 

The only thing I found was Princess Peach, Princess Diana, Amy, some anime action figures, and other girl toys. I know you're wondering why I didn't go for Princess Peach. The reason is that's too corny.

She's gonna think I didn't put much thought into her gift. And I know it's Jazmine, she'll like anything pink and cute, but I know she can be judgy at the same time. So I'm trying to put a little thought into her gift. 

I kept looking around and couldn't find anything. Some of the stuff in here she already has. It got to the point I went up to the front to ask the cashier if they had what I was looking for. 

It was a kid around my age that looked like he didn't want to be here. I didn't blame him! In a couple of days, it was about to be Christmas and he had to work longer to get paid less. 

"Hey, I got a question?" I asked approaching him. 

"Yes?" he sighed looking at me without a care in the world. 

"Might you guys possibly have any Kirby plushies here?" I asked as he looked at me like I was dumb. Kirby was one of the toys I knew Jazmine liked. Every time Riley and I play Super Smash Bros with her she always chooses Kirby as her character.

So I'm going to try and get Kirby for Jazmine since she loves the character. I don't even think she even loves it because of its abilities I think she only loves it because it's pink and cute.

"What do you think?" he asked me like I was dumb.

"Well, I don't know, that's why I was asking you because you work here, Simon," I said giving him the same energy.

"Bruh do you see any Kirby plushies around here, whatever is set out in what we are selling. If you wanted a Kirby plushie you should have ordered it in advance like everybody else," he said being smart with me.

I glared at him and just turned around to leave. I didn't fin to deal with a smartass today. All he had to do was say no. 

I decided to go to the toy store to look for a Kirby plushie. I guess that should have been my first option.

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