First Date

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Today I was at the field with Caesar helping him play soccer. He asked if I could be goalie while he tries to shoot in the goal. I didn't have anything else better to do at the moment so I decided to join him outside. It was good to get some exercise in.

He tried to take a shot into the goal, but I ended up blocking his shot. "Goddammit, Huey!" Caesar yelled. I smirked at how pissed off he was. I guess this is how athletes feel. 

"Aren't you the one who asked to practice taking shots at the goal with a goalie inside?" I rhetorically asked him. "Yeah, but why you gotta block all my shots?" he asked still upset.

"Um because I'm the goalie," I said obviously. There was silence between the two of us for a couple of minutes until he got over himself. "You doing okay man?" I asked him as he sighed.

"Yeah, I guess so...I don't know...I have a lot to deal with after this," he said taking a breather. 

"What might that be, you usually don't seem too stressed about anything?" I asked being a caring friend in need because he seemed like he really wanted to talk to somebody. I know he would do the same for me.

"It's this girl-" he began as I sighed. "It's not that kind of story jackass so listen," he sternly said. 

"What about a it Jazmine?" I curiously asked him. "No, it's not Jazmine, I guess it's some girl I hooked up with a while back," he sighed.

"You guess?" I questioned.

"I don't know Huey, all I know is that my parents are pissed because they think I gave a girl HIV," he said sounding disappointed in himself.

"Well did you give her HIV?" I asked making sure. "I don't know Huey, it just all happened so fast. Some lawyer came by my house a couple of days ago talking about, you've been served," he exclaimed.

"Now I have to go to court and prove I'm innocent. And the stupidest thing about this is I don't even know who the girl is. They said her last name but it never rung a bell," he said frustrated. 

"It's why you don't sleep around with a lot of females Caesar," I said making him glare at me. "I don't know why you and the others just think I sleep around with a lot of girls," he fussed.

"Okay, Caesar how many girls have you slept with over these past four years?" I asked him as he started to think about it. "Like intercourse?" he asked as I rolled my eyes. I'm guessing he knew the answer once he saw the way I looked at him.

"Around ten girls," he mumbled. "Exactly and do you remember any of them?" I asked as he started to think about it.

"Not really, I'm not a  simp, I learn to move on from people," he casually said. He's not exactly wrong about that. I was the same way, but I had a harsh way of showing it. 

"Okay, did she say when it happened?" I asked him as he shook his head. "No, all that happened was a lawyer came to my house and said I was served, so my parents made me go get tested. I haven't gotten the results back," he sighed.

"Well okay!" I simply said as I observed him to see he was bothered by the whole situation. "How about we continue playing soccer?" I asked as he smirked.

"You know what I got something planned that you won't expect," he said hyping himself up as he set up the ball.

Now that he has told me, I'm going to be expecting it. I got ready to block another one of his shots as he got ready to kick it. He seemed to have relaxed and then take a curvy kick towards the goal.

I of course was able to jump and block his shot, but the ball ended up bouncing off my hands and somehow back to Caesar. Then I saw him do a backflip while trying to kick the ball back into the goal. 

The Fallen MindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora