•Chapter 2•

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Jimin POV

If there ever was a time that I wished Eversun was under attack it would be right now. It has been weeks since my Father started this stupid hunt for my 'wife' and frankly I'm over it. No matter how many women I turn away he just goes to another kingdom or village and finds more. What was worst was the stupid stunt he pulled one time.

💫 Flashback💫

"Father this is ridiculous how many more of these stupid meetings do I have to go through!"

"Until you pick a wife you brat!"

"I said I don't want to get married!"

"Well in order to get the throne you little shit YOU HAVE TO GET MARRIED!"

Father and I have been screaming at each other for days now and no matter how many women I turn away he just finds more.

This time he said it'll be different and that he love me no matter what.

The fuck does that even mean.

I make my way to the grand hall where we host all our masquerade and formal balls and what I see almost makes my eyes pop out of my head.

"What. The. Fuck" I said

Before me was a room filled with


Lots of Men

I turned to my father with a horrified look on my face while Caspian was trying to hold in his laugh

"Uh father w-what is this?

"Well son I figured since you keep turning women away I figured you like you know the other side"

I look at Caspian who is now laughing uncontrollably and right now I'm not sure who to stab first him or my father.

"Father " I walked up close to him with a bright red face embarrassed

"I'm not gay" I gritted through my teeth

"Well at least give it a try I mean look at all these men here you coul-"

"Nope! I'm leaving! " and I sprinted out the hall.

I'm flattered, hell it boosted my ego knowing I had options if I did play for that team but I like the sweet feel of a pussy around my dick.

My father has completely lost his mind

💫 End of Flashback 💫

I'm currently sitting in the music hall in front of the grand piano hiding from my father and his 'wife' adventure for me.

"You know you could just pick a girl and get it over with"

I look up and see Caspian standing at the opposite side of the piano

"And live my life with someone I don't even love? No thanks "

He sighs "He's just worried about you"

I stared at him and raised a brow

"And there are rumors from the other kingdoms that you refuse to choose a wife if this keeps up the royal council will get involved "

"And what they force me to marry someone"

"No dethrone your father and place someone else to rule"

I paused and looked at Caspian

"They'll place King Kim's second oldest son on the throne of Eversun"

"Namjoon" I gritted out

He's more of an asshole than I am he thinks he's a better fit to rule Eversun while his brother Seokjin is set to rule Kindheart.

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