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"Trevs! Hey!"

Trevor had been dreading this call. But he replied, anyway, a slight smile gracing his pained features.

"You sound happy. You're happy today, D?"

"I am. And you... Are not?"


"Yes, darling...?"

"We need to talk." He racked his brain at first, wondering what he'd done wrong. But nothing came up. He then  began to wonder if Trevor would leave him till he remembered they weren't actually together yet. Yet being the key word. But what if this was a platonic breakup? Those hurt pretty badly too, sometimes even worse than the romantic kind.

"Oh. Uh... Okay. Shoot."

"You know how hard I've been trying to adjust back to who we used to be before you left. I... You understand that I'm not exactly the best at opening up to people, don't you?"

"Yes, T, I kn-"

"But I put that trust in you. You. Cos you proved to me that... That you were someone I could let myself be... Myself with."


Devon's heart dropped. Trevor dug his hands into his hair, leaning into the pain he felt as he tugged the sensitive tendrils away from his scalp. Devon wouldn't like that he was doing this... Devon wasn't there, anyway.

"Tell me what happened. Talk to me. This is me. It's Devon, baby... You can still trust me, no matter what's going on, okay? I'll always be there for you."

"I know. That's not the part that bothers me. I know all of that, I just- Tristan called." Oh. Shit. Well... Maybe it wasn't that bad?

"What I said to him was the honest truth. If he's butthurt, he can cry about it cos I should've punched him years ago when it all began." Trevor listened patiently as Devon listed curse word after curse word to describe his brother. He didn't care, at this point. He just wanted to know if it was really true. Tristan hadn't sounded like he was lying. Trevor could tell he wasn't but hope, the cruel mistress she was, encircled him anyway, keeping him trapped in the sweet suffering of that limbo.

"He said you've kissed. No. He says you've kissed twice." Devon froze. Okay. So... Shit. Things had been easing up little by little with Trevor but now, this? Fucking Tristan.

"Baby doll, believe me. I... It did happen." Trevor's breath hitched immediately, rocked from the betrayal. Devon's hands itched to be there, see him for himself, hold the boy in his arms and promise him everything would be okay. His heart beat loudly in his throat as he tried to explain it all. Because there really was a reasonable explanation for it. Trevor just had to have faith in him. And he could do that, right? Blind faith was what Trevor always had with him. Tristan's stupid drunk stories could hold no water. "But look, it wasn't what you thi-"

"Do you love him?"

"...what? Is that a joke?"

"Does it sound like I'm fucking kidding?!" He bit back, clasping a hand over his mouth suddenly. Idiot. You aren't even dating him. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stu... "I... Sorry. Sorry..."

"No. You have a right to be mad. If Pete had called me drunk one night and told me you locked lips, I would've felt betrayed. Hurt. Angry. That's how you feel right now. Umm... Probably. I should have been the one to tell you but to be honest, it mattered so little to me that I forgot."

"I find that hard to believe. I mean, you've been best friends since I met you. Kissing a person that important to you sounds pretty memorable. I should know. I've kissed my best friend too, haven't I?"

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