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Trevor dug himself under the covers, wishing Pete would shut the hell up. But he wouldn't, of course, and who was he to make him stop? The man was drunkenly happily high on acid singing some old Scottish song, his full accent powering through the louder the song got. Trevor was incredibly fond of Pete. He was quite funny, drunk or not but when he got too into it, the ginger always ended up scared. He couldn't help but panic and he didn't know how else to manage but to lock his door and wait till Pete was a bit calmer.

Sometimes it led to the blonde yelling at his door in late hours of the night. He never unlocked it, though. Not unless his other friends were there so he felt safer or unless he heard him scream in pain. Sometimes he got tricked by his companion, his worry used against him but something different happened, this time. He heard a soft knock and couldn't help but get up because it didn't seem very Pete-like to not be so deafeningly loud. Maybe something was wrong? How they of all people became roomies, he would never understand.

Then he heard bickering and he knew exactly who it was on the other side. "Are you ever sober? Have you ever been sober?"

"Umm... Define... Sober. Like... One glass of... Or like one sucky suck of drug smoke or li-"

"Well, that answers that."

"Trevie! Baby doll, open the door! You never open the door! I have da munchies, slide like twenty dollars under the door for me my beloved brother love love? I want some pizza please please pleeeeease."

"Pete? Stop asking him for money. He isn't a fucking atm. Go clean yourself up for fuck's sake. I'd be so ashamed of myself if I were you. I mean you don't even know me, have the dignity to put on some pants, at least. I think I've been permanently scarred - that dick is not for the faint of heart." Trevor unlocked the door. His eyes met the dark chocolate in Devon's and then he was taking a step back so he could walk in. Devon gave a light chuckle when he shut the door right in Peter's face and locked it.

"Much better. You and I, alone again. As it should be." With effort, Trevor ignored everything Devon said in favour of looking him over to make sure Peter didn't get violent. He'd punched both he and Lin on separate occasions. He felt good during these times with no control but everyone around him felt like shit, yet he just didn't care enough to stop. He didn't even want to try. It wasn't worth getting angry about, though. Devon with him, after allvand his anger was a forbidden, sacred thing to be unleashed in private.

"You really stuck it to the man. He's gotten quiet. It won't last but... Wow. I knew I kept you around for something."

"That so?"

"Th-that something is love?" A wolfish smirk spread across Devon's features. His smiles were always small. Trevor had never seen his teeth displayed so much... Nor so menacingly. Internally, Trevor was letting out confused screaming because his body was not reacting with fear like it should have.

"Glad to hear it. I channelled my mother for my performance. Now... Umm... About-"

"I'm sorry!" Devon paused and stared at Trevor. Before he could continue his rambling, he slapped a hand over his mouth and breathed in heavily, then focused a glare on the red-faced shorter man.

"Don't even fucking dare. Just... Don't. I'm the one who fucked up. It was stupid as hell of me to yell so loud even if I didn't think I had. I don't blame you for leaving."

"I shouldn't have left. I just got so..." Devon glanced at his fidgeting fingers and finished the sentence for him.


"Mm." He was ashamed but it really was the truth. He'd let his mind get the best of him and ran for his dear life. Later on, he realised how ridiculous he was being but it was too late by then. He really hadn't expected Devon to come over and apologise, though, seeing as he was he one in the wrong. He'd planned to eventually send a weak apology by text once he could psyche himself up to do it. Life just had other plans. "I'm so-"

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