Chapter Four : We finally meet!

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3rd POV

Walking through the woods felt repetitive to (Y/N). You turn to your left, you see trees and bushes. To your right, same thing. You'd be lucky if you find an animal thrown into the mix. The only thing keeping her from losing her mind was Zeno talking about his friends and how he can't wait to introduce her. That and her pouch of fruit.

"They'll love you, (Y/N)! Zeno is sure of it. One of them is a big pervert, so be careful about him. The others are really protective of the Miss, so don't hurt her please, Miss (Y/N)." (Y/N) wanted to laugh at that, but she kept it to herself. "I can't raise my hand to a pretty lady, Zeno." She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and smiled wide.

"Zeno understands, but you know what happened between Zeno and the original dragon warriors. Who knows how you will react when you see the Miss." (Y/N) waved off his concerns. "I'll be fine Zeno. My village prepared me for whatever could happen. I should be alright." Before Zeno could reply, we heard someone yell out.

"Well, we shouldn't be counting on a dragon's power all the time!"

(Y/N)'s ears perked up as she heard a man's voice coming in their direction. Figuring out who they were, she quickly lets go of Zeno and placed her hands behind her head in a casual manner. "Well Zeno, let's see how strong my willpower is." She turned her gaze towards the bushes near them. She started mentally preparing herself for however her body will react towards the Miss, as Zeno calls her.

Out came a glaive being swung around then the same voice. "We've been walking all day and Shinah's kept saying we're-" The man walked out and looked at the two dragons in front of him. "-close." Zeno smiled then ran up to the man. "Hak, Zeno was talking about you with Miss here!" He pointed towards the girl and she waved out one hand. "You all are a weird bunch from what I've heard."

The man, Hak as she learned, looked at her annoyed. "Well you heard correct." She smirked and watched as the rest of the group slowly come out from behind him. She got a good look at each of them. She could tell who were the dragon warriors. She felt a question pop in her head.

She turned towards Hak and asked with a hushed voice, "Which one of you is the pervert?" One of the boys grabbed Zeno and smacked him upside the head. "What did you tell her about us!?" He turned to me and tried to wave Zeno away. "Whatever he said, please disregard it. We are good and honest people." The green hair chimed in, helping or making it worse, (Y/N) couldn't tell.

"We fight against the fire tribe-"

"So the villages won't have to pay hefty taxes and we can take care of them!"

(Y/N) ignored the boy's rambling and looked behind everyone. She saw a young girl with red hair walk out the bushes and she felt her blood boil. She fell to the ground and heard a thundering voice in her head. She shut her eyes and held her head tight. 'KILL HER KILL HER KILL HER!!!' Along with the voice, a ringing started filling in her head.

She felt arms grab at her and she tried to swat them away, feeling panicked. It felt too familiar to something else. 'What're you waiting for?! He ruined our life forever!!' She shook her head and tried to calm down. She knew that if she ever bumped into the red dragon, her blood would react like this. She remembers the cruel things her village did to prepare her for this. She took in deep breaths and slowly opened her eyes. She saw blurry figures surrounding her and still trying to grab at her. She can see the girl's red hair clearly and the voice got louder. She could see their mouths moving, but couldn't hear what they were saying. Her face started to pale and she felt really warm. She knew the process would be intense, but she didn't think it'd be this bad.

She grabs an arm and tries to speak, her voice sounding hoarse. She sees the figures stop moving. "G-Get. . . her. . . a-away from me. . ." The figures turn to the girl and felt confusion. If she was a dragon warrior, wouldn't she want to be close with the red dragon?

Zeno took charge and gently grabbed Yona. "Let us listen to her, Miss." Yona felt reluctant, but listened to Zeno. He was relieved she didn't push and he led them away from the group. Yoon got close to her and felt her forehead. "She's burning, is she going through the initiation like you guys did?"

Kija nodded, but looked conflicted. "I believe so, but it's strange that she asked for Yona to move. During my inciation, I wanted to bask in her presence." Shinah and Jaeha nodded. "Mm, It was as if being near her made the pain go away." Yoon looked at (Y/N) and saw her skin gaining color back. "Well, it looks as if it's the opposite for her. Why is that?"

(Y/N) felt the voice calm down and she could see more clearly. She let go of the man's arm and wiped the sweat off her face. "That's a story for another day." Everyone turned back to (Y/N) and saw her smiling casually, even in her disheveled state. She was still breathing heavily and covered in sweat, but she kept smiling through the pain. "Sorry that we had to meet that way, but at least that's out of the way, right?" She pointed towards each dragon. "Hakuryuu, Ryokuryuu, and. . . " Her eyes stopped at the blue dragon and she recognize him. "Seiryuu! You were the one watching us, correct?" The boy looked away then nodded. Yoon looked at the girl in mild concern. "Are you alright? You felt as if you swallowed boiling water."

(Y/N) smiled then slowly started standing. She grabbed the Hakuryuu's arm when she almost fell again. "Yeah, well it felt like I did." She got to her feet and looked at the group. "So, should I guess your names or will you tell me?"

The young boy got up then started introducing everyone. "My name is Yoon, this is Hak, Jaeha, Kija, Shinah, and then the girl is Yona." She felt a bit embarrassed that everyone saw her like that, but she tried to focus on feeling better.

(Y/N) looked towards Zeno and Yona. Yona gave her a smile and Zeno looked a bit nervous. (Y/N) nodded towards him, saying she was fine now. He smiled and guided Yona back towards the group.

(Y/N) smiled and dramatically bowed towards Yona. "Well, it is such an honor to meet you your highness. I apologize for my rudeness earlier, so embarrassing. It's such an honor to meet the dragon king's incarnate!" (Y/N) picked herself up then cleaned off the dust off her clothes. "No, it is fine. I have heard that the initiation process is painful."

(Y/N) laughed and Yona felt confused. "You thought that was the dragon initiation happening with me?" Yona nodded and (Y/N) placed a hand over her mouth, covering her giggles. Yoon felt annoyed at her laughing. "Then what was that?"

"How about I introduce myself first?" She backed away from Yona and faced everyone. She grabbed her sword handle and swiped it up, letting the blade pieces fall around her. "My name is (Y/N) and I am the holder of the Black Dragon's blood. . ." She smirked at the group then looked straight at Yona, pointing her weapon towards her. ". . . And that wasn't an initiation. My dragon was ordering me to kill you."

Author's Note - Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ! I'm planning on publishing a chapter of either my Umbrella Academy fanfic or Descendants this month, so which one would you prefer? Hope y'all have a great day ! <3

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