Chapter Five : Untrustful Dragon

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3rd POV

"K-Kill?" Everyone couldn't believe what the girl was saying. The black dragon was telling the girl to kill Yona? It had to be a joke. The dragon soldiers were known to protect the red king, not to bring harm to him. Or in this case, her. 

Zeno looked at the girl with worry, but she sent him a subtle wink, signaling everything will be fine. She waved her handle around making the sword pieces jangle around her. "Yeah, she wants me to kill the red headed girl. So if you guys could move, it'd make my job so much easier." She turned towards the girl then something clicked in her head.

She snapped her fingers then pointed towards Yona. "Wait, you're Princess Yona! How did I not connect that sooner?" She smiles at the group then starts stretching. "If I bring you to the palace, the reward would be pricey, no? Change of plans then!" She clicks a button on her handle and the sword pieces quickly merged together, forming a blade in her hand. "You're coming with me to the palace! Win for everybody!"

(Y/N) felt her hair move as Hak thrusted his glaive towards her neck. He stops it an inch away from her neck and she turns towards him. "Yes? May I help you?"

Hak's eyes narrow and keeps his grip on his weapon steady. "I don't care who you are, but you are not harming the Princess." She looked at the group and noticed that they were getting ready to fight her. She looked over to Zeno and saw he wasn't getting ready to fight her, trusting whatever she was going to do.

She turned back to Hak and placed her chin on the blade of the glaive, giving him a wide smirk. "Who says I was asking for your opinion, tall man?" If looks could kill, (Y/N) was certain she would've been dead at least seven times.

She clashed her sword towards his glaive and backed up a few feet, getting distance between them. She smiled as he pointed his weapon back towards her. She looks over him and sees the other dragon warriors get into a battle stance and she gets excited. "Oh boy, finally some worthy opponents! This is going to be so much fun!" She clicks her sword and it falls into pieces. She runs towards a tree and jumps off it, landing close to the Princess. A large hand swipes at her and she bends herself to the floor getting away. She throws a kick to the hand and sees it's the White Dragon's power.

She grabs at his hand hard then turns to the boy. "So this is your power, interesting." He rips her hand off of his then swipes at her again, making his hand grow twice its original size. "This is my power and as a descendant of the White Dragon, I will use it to protect the Princess from you!" Kija swipes at her again, but she lands her foot to his palm, using it as a platform. She jumps off into the air and is met with a swift kick to her back.

She's thrown into the trees and she quickly grabs hold of the branches. She puts a hand to her back and swears she feels a footprint being imprinted into her skin like a tattoo. Groaning in pain, she turns and sees the green haired man flying in the air. She looks in amazement as he drops towards her. He throws a kick to her side, but she grabs his leg and struggles to keep it in place. "Ryokuryuu's power is so pretty to see." Jaeha smirked and leaned closer to (Y/N). "What pretty words from a beautiful lady, such a shame you're wanting to hurt the little Miss."

(Y/N) shuddered and headbutted him, causing him to groan and back away. She lets go of his leg and looks at him in disgust. "So you're the pervert in the group." He chuckled and grabbed a few throwing knives from his coat. "Is that what Zeno told you? My dear, I only appreciate beautiful things, such as yourself." He jumped up and threw the daggers towards (Y/N). She gripped her handle tight then waved it in a circular motion. The blade pieces surrounded her making the daggers bounce off of them. She moved her arm in larger movements, then threw it out towards the flying dragon.

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