Chapter Three : A girl?

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Morning with Yona and the gang

3rd POV

Yona was insistent with everyone leaving as soon as they can. The three lizards were trying to take as long as they could. Jaehea found a pretty rock, so he had to find one for everyone. Ao wanted to sit in a tree, so Shinah waited for her to come down. Kija kept crying about the mosquitos that were flying in his face.

Yun was getting irritated by the so called dragon warriors, so he grabbed his ladle and threatened them all to hurry it along. That got them moving. Yona, Hak, and Yun in the back while the three boneheads were following Zeno's aura. Shinah looked around with his dragon eyes, but couldn't find them anywhere. Strange. . .

Everyone had their own thoughts about all this. A fifth dragon warrior? That seemed to be insane, thinking about it. If there was one, why isn't there any kind of proof? There is a story about the red dragon and his four soldiers, not five soldiers. Why did Zeno go by himself? He knew that it could've been dangerous, but still went anyway. The three stooges didn't know what to think about that, since Zeno was a bit sporadic with his actions. He could be carefree one minute then so serious and wise the next. It's as if he was an old man in his body.

Yona sped towards the three and walked with them. "Did any of you know about a fifth dragon?" Shinah and Jaeha shook their heads no, while Kija rubbed his neck. "Not exactly..."

Everyone looked at the white head in shock. "What do you mean, Kija?"

Kija looked away from everyone and tried his best to explain. "Well, in my village, almost everyone knew the story. The crimson dragon along with his four soldiers..." He held up one finger. "Except for one person. He was the village crazy old man. No one took him seriously because he'd talk about how everyone was wrong. He'd say there was another dragon soldier. He'd say that the fifth's power was something so great, that it'd be pure chaos if he ever decided to turn to evil."

Jaeha rubs his neck and looks at the white dragon. "Do you know what kind of power he has?"

Kija only shook his head. "I never asked for more information as everyone deemed him crazy."

Everyone seemed a bit unnerved at Kija's story and seemed to move faster than they did before. If any of what Kija said was true, Zeno could be in danger. The three boys felt a bit guilty letting him leave by himself. If maybe they tried harder, or forced him to let them go with him, or convince him to tell everyone else, or mayb-

"Well, we can take him down if gotta, right?" Everyone turned towards Hak, while he just shrugged. "We've got like twenty men's strength in the four of us, so no big deal, right?"

That seemed to brighten everyone's mood and they kept moving, hoping everyone will work out.

( With Zeno and (Y/N) )

3rd POV

Waking up pretty early wasn't too hard for the two dragons. (Y/N) woke up before Zeno and gathered all her things. She had finished packing once Zeno woke up. "Oh good, you're awake. Now let's go find your friends." Zeno groaned and turned about. "Five more minutes. . ."

(Y/N) sighed and grabbed on Zeno's leg tightly. Making sure she had a tight grip, she started dragging him along where she felt the other dragons' auras. While she never used her power to find the other soldiers, she could figure it out if she focused hard enough.

Zeno felt himself start moving and thrashed around. "Miss, no fair!" (Y/N) snickers and drops his leg. "Well you didn't want to move, so I moved you."

"Still, we're in no rush to see them."

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